Photo by Aziz Acharki

How To Silence Self-Doubt To Accomplish Everything That You Want

Lalaina Rackson
3 min readFeb 17, 2018

Each and everyone of us doubts themselves.

Some doubt that they can make their dreams come true.

Some doubt that they can be great parents.

Others doubt that they have what it takes to date the cute girl at the bar.

And some doubt that they are even doing a good job at work.

Each and everyone of us has doubts.

We all doubt ourselves, constantly.

And sometimes we let this self-doubt slowly kill us from the inside.

So we don’t try to make our dreams come true.

We don’t become parents.

We don’t ask the cute girl at the bar for her number.

And we don’t do a good job at work.

We wallow in our self-pity and we keep on reminding ourselves that we are not good enough.

But if there’s one thing that I’ve learned from those past few years of writing one blog post everyday for 2 years and of teaching myself how to draw to eventually start this crazy art project is that you just have to do.

There’s no better feeling than when you doubt yourself and think that you cannot do something and then just rebel against yourself and simply do whatever you thought you couldn’t do and just prove yourself wrong.

Sometimes when you doubt yourself you just have to say “Screw it! I’m just going to do it!” and then next thing you know, you’re doing it and you’re exceeding your own expectations.

Sometimes you’ll also suck majorly but doesn’t it feel good to at least do something even when you doubt yourself and your abilities?

Just do.

Who cares if you suck?

Do it.

Then do it again.

And then one day maybe you’ll suck less.

And maybe one day, you’ll wake up and look at everything that you’ve accomplished and think “damn look at everything that I did! Me! I did that!” and you’ll be so proud of all the work that you’ve done no matter if it sucked or if it deserved an award.

And being proud of yourself when you thought that you weren’t good enough to do something is honestly the best feeling.

And I hope that whoever you are, reading this, I hope that you can experience this feeling.

So go ahead and do.

Do something. Anything!

You don’t even have to show anybody.

Just do, even if you doubt yourself.

And keep on doing even if you want to give up.

One day you’ll be proud of what you did and that’s all that matters.

“If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint”, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced “— Vincent Van Gogh

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Lalaina Rackson

Empowering a generation to live authentically #WeTheAuthenticGeneration — Email me: