Photo by Asdrubal luna

Here’s Why Most Adults Are Unhappy

Lalaina Rackson
4 min readMar 25, 2018

When we become adults, we are made to believe that there’s only one way to be an adult.

A one-size-fits-all adult way of being.

Therefore, many of us give up parts of who we really are just to fit that one-size-fits-all adult way of being.

We try to survive each day of our lives to fit in this “adult world”.

But deep down we all feel unhappy and empty.

If there’s one thing that I hate (and “hate” is a strong word that I rarely use) is when people say things like “cartoons are for children” ; “drawing is for children” ; “this type of career is for children” ; “dreaming is for children” ; “believing is for children” ; “fun is for children”

(Along the same lines, I would also like to add that I also hate sentences about “gender norms” like “blue is for guys”, “pink is for girls”, “this job is for boys” and “that behavior is for girls” etc…)

What are you going to tell me next? “Living is for children”?

I am the way that I am and I couldn’t care less if it fits your one-size-fits-all adult way of being or not.

I’m an adult and there’s multiple ways of being an adult, not just one.

I don’t have to do everything that you’re doing, I don’t have to like everything that you like, I don’t have to talk the way that you talk, I don’t have to look the way that you look. I don’t have to do any of that.

And there’s no need for me to prove to you that I am, in fact, an adult.

And if you are a young individual who’s about to step into adulthood and you are scared, don’t be!

All you have to do is to just be yourself and do what best represents your authentic self, that’s what a true authentic adult really is.

Don’t try to be just like every other “adults” because you think that that’s what you think “adults” are supposed to be like.

And if other “adults” give you shit for not being “adult” enough, that’s probably because they are also trying to fit this one-size-fits-all adult way of being and they want everyone to fit in this same box.

And I think that this is the reason why a lot of adults are unhappy or they feel empty inside.

It’s because they think that they have to act a specific way and agree with specific opinions or be and look a specific way or have this one specific career etc…

A lot of soon-to-be-adults actually give up things that make them who they are just to be an “adult”.

They get lost trying to fit in this supposedly “one-size-fits-all adult way of being” box when all they should be doing is be happy with just being themselves.

So from now on, I think that we should all accept ourselves as we are and simply be ourselves.

And we should also accept that there are different ways of being an adult.

And just because someone doesn’t look like you or act like you or have the same job or whatever, it doesn’t mean that they are less of an adult.

Actually, this doesn’t only apply to adulthood.

If somebody is different from you and doing things differently from how you do them, that doesn’t make them any less human than you or any less amazing than you.

That simply makes them different.

And there are different ways to be.

And the sooner we all realize that, the sooner we can all accept ourselves and our differences and the happier each and every one of us will be.

So, be yourself.

Be different.

But most importantly, be a human being and JUST BE.

(And if you’re about to become an adult my advice is, don’t TRY to be an adult, just BE an adult. Just be as you are. Just be the adult that you are and you’ll be more than “adult enough”.)

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