Photo by Anthony Tran

I Didn’t Reach My 2017 Goal And I’m Fine With It

Lalaina Rackson
3 min readDec 30, 2017

Back in 2016, I had decided to become a daily blogger.

And yes, that means posting one blog post every single day for 365 days a year.

So every year I approximately post 365 blog posts. Although I have to admit that I don’t always post a blog post every single day of the week and that’s completely fine!

This year of 2017, I had another goal to achieve and it was to reach 5K followers by the end of 2017.

I thought that I could do it because for some reason a lot of people started following me this year and I was gaining hundreds of followers every week.

But then, everything stopped.

I stopped gaining followers.

I didn’t quite understand what was going on.

I thought that it was because I had decided to challenge myself to write about things that I don’t usually talk about that people became uninterested in what I had to say. But I’m not quite sure if that’s really the reason I stopped gaining followers…


Because of my lack of new followers, I unfortunately didn’t reach my goal of 5K followers before the end of 2017 and I’m completely fine with it!

To be honest it’s a pretty stupid goal to have and it’s a pretty stupid thing to worry about.

I used to be so worried that I was not getting new followers and that I was not going to reach my goal that I became sad.

But the real question is “Why was I sad?”

It’s just a number!

I mean, sure it’s nice to have an audience but it shouldn’t make me so sad if people don’t read what I write because I mainly write for myself. I am my own audience. And in all honesty, that’s all that I really need! Cue the people saying “yeah but being your only audience doesn’t pay the bills!” True! Very true! I do need an audience but I shouldn’t get so worked up about numbers!

And I’ve seen a lot of other “online influencers” (nobody likes that term) do the same thing and ask for people to follow them because they’re trying to reach a certain number of followers before a certain date but why though?

I mean, you could get a nice plaque for the numbers of subscribers that you have on youtube but what’s really the big deal? And why do you care so much about that number? And is it that important that you reach 10K followers?

Those numbers make us worry and they make us feel worthless if we don’t see the numbers that we want and it is silly!

Am I the only one who thinks this way?

I mean you do whatever makes you happy but I know that from now on I am never going to set a goal like “reaching 5K followers before this date” because it’s a silly goal to have. I want to set goals that are meaningful and that are pushing me to be better/do better such as my most recent goal which was to draw 5 paintings before the end of 2017 which as of today, December 30th, I have reached! Those are the only kind of goals I really care about. Those are the only goals that make me happy!

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Thank you for stopping by, hope you’ve had a nice stay! ❤︎

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