photo by Tachina Lee

Keep your head high!

Lalaina Rackson
2 min readOct 23, 2016

It’s hard to keep your head high sometimes. Sometimes you just want to sit with your head down but it’s important that you keep your head high. It’s important that you keep an open mind. You don’t have to be TOO positive but a little bit of positivity goes a long way! If you let things happen to you and if you let them affect you and the way that you live, you’ll never get back up again. So even if things are not going well, you should keep a little spark of positivity in your heart. You should trust that things will eventually turn for the better and you should trust that YOU are the one that will make sure of that. If you don’t trust yourself to turn your life upside down then your life will always seem bad and sad. You can turn this around, you just have to be willing to walk through this mess with your head high and a little bit of confidence.

Keep on going!

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