photo by Annie Spratt

My birthday is exactly in 1 month!

Can I get to 555 followers on November 16th please? ☺︎

Lalaina Rackson


So today is October 16th and in exactly one month it is my birthday. I’ll be turning 22, the big 22. And I’ve heard through the grape vine that “feeling 22” is a good feeling haha (If you do understand this reference then here’s a high five for you!)

First of all I want to thank everyone for following me on medium! +400 people is actually a LOT if you think about it! So thank you for following me on my journey! It means a lot to me!

I don’t really want much for my birthday but since my favorite number is 5, I just thought that it would be kind of amazing to hit 555 followers on my birthday! It would really make me happy! Everytime I get 555 followers on any social media I get happy! It’s a fact! If I get 5,555 followers though… I think I’ll actually cry! But 5 hundred is already enough, 5 thousand would be pushing my luck. And we all know I’m not lucky nor do I really believe in luck haha

Anyway, thank you again for following me on my journey! Hope that I can inspire some of you or help some of you! I am not the all-knowing but I just like sharing my experiences and hopefully my experiences can inspire you somehow or just make you smile or just make you happy!

I wish you all the best! ♡ — Lalaina

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Thank you for stopping by, hope you’ve had a nice stay! ❤︎


