photo by Greg Raines

Tell me about you: Who are you?

Lalaina Rackson


I’ve been writing everyday on medium for almost 5 months now. I’ve told you everything about me, my journey, my struggles and my dreams.

I’ve talked about my struggles as well as my happy moments:

I’ve told you parts of who I am and my purpose on this planet:

I’ve inspired some of you:

I’ve upset others:

I‘ve had posts published on The Huffington Post and Thought Catalog:

But now, it’s time for you to share your story.

Tell me who you are, why you are here and where you want to go during this journey that is life.

Inspire me. And inspire others!

Thank you guys for your support! You have no idea how much it means to know that people agree with what I have to say and think that what I‘m saying is inspiring! I’m forever grateful for this platform Medium and its amazing readers and writers! I wish you all the best in life! 💙

Let me know what you think about this story by leaving a comment. Clicking the heart button is optional, but appreciated. Following me is required, if you want to read more stories by yours truly.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you’ve had a nice stay! ❤︎


