Photo by Ryan Tang

The Only Challenge You Should Participate In Is The “Challenge Yourself” Challenge

Lalaina Rackson
3 min readJan 24, 2018

We live in a world where fame seems to be the number one thing that our children and other adults want to be.

And because of technology and social media it’s even easier to get that instant fame.

People are now doing the most to get noticed and to get a crowd of followers.

People are literally risking their lives going on top of the tallest building, eating tide pods, putting lemon juices in their eyes then skiing while blind etc…

And you know what most of those people would tell you about their questionable behaviors?

YOLO — You Only Live Once

I agree. You only live once, so make sure that you don’t die stupid!

When did it all become about being the stupidest, the craziest, the most disrespectful, the most talentless only to have a bunch of strangers have their eyeballs on you?

You only live once indeed so how about you live every single day to be a better person?

The only challenge that we should partake in is the challenge to challenge yourself.

Challenge yourself to become a better you. Challenge yourself to know more about yourself by exploring your own mind and soul. Challenge yourself to be true and authentic not only with yourself but also with others.

Challenge yourself to do something that you don’t know how to do. You’ll be surprised at how many things you can actually do once you just try and put a little effort in it.

Challenge yourself to see the world. Challenge yourself to learn more about other people, people who are different from you.

Challenge yourself to be kind.

Challenge yourself to be smarter. Challenge yourself to read a book.

Challenge yourself to learn a new language or maybe two.

There really is nothing impressive with the outrageous popular challenges of today.

You want to impress me? How about you impress yourself first?

Do you know how it feels to be proud of yourself? If you don’t know that feeling I challenge you to try to do something that you don’t know how to do. I challenge you to try and then I challenge you to keep on trying! One day if you’re still trying, then you’ll be lucky enough to feel that feeling when you’re proud of yourself for doing something you thought you wouldn’t be able to do!

That feeling is the best honestly!

So instead of trying to come up with the most outrageous ways to get other people’s attention, how about you focus on improving yourself and your skills just for the sake of being proud of yourself. Just for the sake that you now know that you can do something that you thought you couldn’t.

I’m not saying that you cannot share your achievements with others but before showing what you can do to the world, show it to yourself and be proud of yourself. Because if you don’t go through those steps first, then you’ll have a hard time accepting that not everybody will like you and what you do and your whole world will crumble just because you’re not getting the attention that you were expecting.

So be ok with being the only person who’ll love what you do, that way when someone likes what you do too, it’ll come as a surprise and you’ll appreciate it even more.

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Lalaina Rackson

Empowering a generation to live authentically #WeTheAuthenticGeneration — Email me: