Photo by Yuriy Kovalev

There’s Something Peaceful About Working When Everyone Else Is Sleeping

Some of my best articles are written at 3am

Lalaina Rackson


First off, let me say that I’m not the kind of person that will give you the advice to “wake up at 3am to work”.

Waking up at this hour (or even earlier) is insane!

And we all know that we need our goodnight sleep.

Sleep deprivation is never a good thing!

So I am not going to advice nor force you to wake up at any time of the day.

That being said, sometimes I am up at 3 or 4am to work.

No, I’m not actually doing it on purpose.

I’m an insomniac.

Sometimes I just get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and when I come back in my room I think “Welp… now that I’m awake, might as well do some work while I’m up!”

I know… I’m completely insane!

But working at this hour is surprisingly peaceful and great.

The night is absolutely silent since everyone is already sleeping and/or the late nighters are silently starting to fall asleep in front of their netflix.

Sometimes my mind even comes up with great article ideas, which my 8 or 10am-self is grateful for because now she already has something to work on instead of taking all day to come up with a somewhat good idea.

All that to say that working this early can be very benificial but I’ll never force anyone to do it.

In fact, I don’t always do it!

But when I do, it happens naturally. I don’t force myself to wake up with a loud irritating alarm clock.

If I’m awake then I might as well work and if I’m not, might as well let myself get some rest because Lord knows how much I need it!

Both options are equally as good.

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Lalaina Rackson

Empowering a generation to live authentically #WeTheAuthenticGeneration — Email me: