There’s No Such Thing As An Overnight Success

Lalaina Rackson
3 min readMar 21, 2018

When asked in interviews, a lot of people have said that their success happened overnight.

“It took them by surprised” they would say or “It came out of nowhere”.

But the truth is that overnight success is not really a thing.

Maybe there are some exceptions out there.

Maybe there really are some people who have become successful overnight — It’s very unlikely, but maybe, there is one exception amongst us all.

But in reality, what your favorite successful people are saying when they say that they got an “overnight success” is that, they’ve actually been working for a long time and nobody really paid attention to their work. But that didn’t stop them from working hard and putting a lot of work out into the world, whether people noticed it or not. And then, one day, someone finally paid attention. And the next day, someone else also paid attention. And then another and another and another. And so on and so forth until suddenly, a lot of people were paying attention to them.

That’s the real “overnight success” that they are all really talking about. Whoever they are.

In reality, this overnight success happens after multiple nights and multiple years of hard work while being unnoticed, doubted, judged and rejected.

Things, don’t happen by magic.

Sure, the internet and technology seems to have put some magic on this whole overnight success concept but nothing really happens magically while you’re asleep.

Nobody ever becomes successful by being asleep.

In conclusion,

You have to work hard and keep on working hard.

You have to learn and keep on learning.

You have to grow and keep on growing.

And you have to believe in yourself and think of yourself as a success before anyone even knows who you are.

Because success isn’t about everybody knowing who you are.

Success is about knowing who you are, accepting who you are and seeing yourself as someone capable of greatness.

Success is about doing what you love to do, no matter if people love what you do too or even if they even notice that you’re doing it.

And remember, you define your own success. So you don’t really need people telling you when you’re successful or what makes you successful or how to be successful.

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Lalaina Rackson

Empowering a generation to live authentically #WeTheAuthenticGeneration — Email me: