Photo by Pana Vasquez

True Success Comes From Within

Lalaina Rackson
3 min readJan 31, 2018

The Grammy’s recently happened and I was really happy to hear that the amazingly talented Alessia Cara won one of the shiny little awards.

But apparently not everyone was happy that she won…

My initial response to people’s reactions was one of total and utter confusion. I simply didn’t understand where that backlash came from.

Don’t you think that Alessia Cara is amazing enough to win an award?

From what I understood people were not happy because they thought that other people deserved to win more than Alessia.

First of all, I personally think that Alessia totally deserves any awards that comes her way! She is such an amazing young artist and she inspires a lot of people including me.

Did the other people who were nominated deserve to win? Of course they did!

Everybody deserves to win!

But the truth is that not everyone is going to walk out with a shiny trophy and to be honest, the trophy is not that important.

If you measure success by who’s got more shiny trophies or who’s got more followers or more money or more of this and more of that then I think that you’re measuring the wrong thing.

Contrary to popular beliefs, success is not about all the trophies and numbers and whatnot.

You have to understand that success doesn’t necessarily comes from other people’s appraisals and opinions and rewards.

Success comes first and foremost from you.

If you cannot see yourself and what you do as being successful then you’ll never be successful.

People can give you awards, money and whatnot but if you cannot look at yourself and look at what you’ve accomplished and think that you are successful enough then what’s the point of all the shiny stuff?

You should celebrate your own successes and be proud of your own successes whether they be small or not and whether they be noticed by other people or not!

Of course, people who are amazing at what they do deserve the recognition that they get and rewards but I think that we’ve forgotten that it’s not just about that.

As John Mayer posted on his intagram:

“The days of censensus are over. (…) The attempt to be loved by all is a good one. But it’s an outmoded one. The only way to find true happiness is to accept this. Find your audience, love them, play to them, but protect yourself from the certain injury of trying to bring the larger world to agreement.”

To sum this up: Do what you love and love what you do. Eventually people who enjoy your work will come to you and support you; love them and appreciate them and keep on putting your work out into the world for the ones that will come enjoy it. But whatever you do, don’t try to get everyone to like you.

I would like to add that not only should you not try to get everyone to like you but you should also not do what you do only to get people to like you or to receive rewards. If you love what you do then simply do it, don’t think about whether people will like you or cherish you in gold, simply do what you love and enjoy doing it! And don’t lose that love that you have for your work because once you lose that and you wire your brain to love the wrong things such as trophies and money then that’s when your work will die.

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Lalaina Rackson

Empowering a generation to live authentically #WeTheAuthenticGeneration — Email me: