This Is Why You Care So Much About Other People’s Business

And It’s Also Why You’ll Never Be Successful

Lalaina Rackson


“What is Tammy doing?”

“Does she have more subscribers than me?”

“What? She was featured in a magazine?”

“She met Meryl Streep?”

“She was in a movie?”


“What is *insert name* doing?” indeed, that’s the question that always seems to linger in your mind.

In fact, what is everybody else doing? And how successful is everybody else compared to you?

If those are the questions that you always ask yourself then that means that you’re probably not doing that much with your life at the moment…

I’m not here to criticize you. On the contrary, I’m here to help you focus on what it is that YOU are doing and on what it is that makes YOU successful.

If you’re always wondering what other people’s business are that means that your business is not really worth carrying about.

“A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business.” — Eric Hoffer

I’m not saying that whatever you’re doing is not great, I’m just saying that whatever you’re doing is not great enough for you to actually care. And that’s where the problem lies.

We’re always wondering if this person or that person is doing better than us and we’re always trying to find ways to outdo everybody so much that we forget why we’re even doing what we’re doing.

We forget about actually enjoying what we’re doing. We forget to actually do what we love to do and eventually we forget to even love what we’re doing.

And that’s why we’ll never be successful.

Because if being successful means doing/being better than everybody else, I’m sorry to break it to you but that’s never going to happen.

Nobody, in the history of mankind, was ever greater than everybody else and that will never change. And if you actually think that you’re the greatest/better than all of us, well, that’s your first mistake right there.

So for your own sake, stop worrying about other people’s business. It doesn’t matter what other people are doing or how much greater they seem to be compared to you.

The only person you should focus on is YOURSELF and your own business.

Do what you love and love what you do. Never forget that!

Focus on ways to improve yourself and your skills. Focus on ways that can make you love what you’re doing even more. That’s all that counts.

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