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We Are All Just A Bunch Of Amateurs

Lalaina Rackson
3 min readJan 22, 2018

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” — Socrates

We’re all trying to get better and better at whatever it is that we’re doing.

Some people even get called “experts” because they know a lot about a certain thing, which they probably do.

But ultimately, we are all just a bunch of amateurs.

We might know a lot of things but we also don’t know a lot of things.

And even when someone is an expert at something because they know more than your next average Joe, there are still things that they can learn from other people and new situations that they’ve never encountered. That’s why a lot of “experts” still study what they’re an expert at. And that’s why they keep on seeking answers to the tons of questions that they have.

It’s because they’ve kept the mindset of an amateur.

I think that if you only consider yourself as an expert at something and if you think that you know everything about that particular thing, then you’ll start to consider yourself as better than everyone else. And that’s when your ego takes the wheel and that’s when it’s not about being good at that thing anymore but it’s rather about being better than everyone else.

And when you start to try to be better than everyone else, that’s when you start losing your way.

That thing that you wanted to learn how to do doesn’t mean anything anymore, the only thing that’s on your mind is just to beat everyone else.

Whereas when you keep the mindset of an amateur, you keep in mind that you don’t know everything and that there are a lot of things that you can learn from new experiences and other people who are doing the same thing as you. Therefore, you stay curious and eager to learn more and evolve on your journey. And you stay open to the idea that other people can teach you something and that maybe you can teach them something too. It’s not about saying “I’m the best. Here’s everything that you need to know because I’m the best and I know everything so listen to me!” to other people but it’s rather about sharing each other’s knowledge to help each other get better. And accepting that even if we are an “expert” at something there can still be things that other people can teach us.

Life is not about knowing everything and being better than everyone, it’s about learning and knowing that there’s a lot that you actually don’t know about. And it’s about being willing to learn more even when you think that you know a lot.

Never ever think that you know everything and that there’s nothing more to learn.

And never think that there’s nothing that other people can offer you.

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