Would You Still Do What You’re Doing Even If Nobody Was Watching?

Lalaina Rackson
2 min readJan 21, 2018

So you want to make it? or whatever that means…

But would you be willing to do the things that you really want to do if I told you that nobody will be watching you?

Nobody will know who you are.

Nobody will know what you’re doing.


So would you still do what you really want to do?

“If you’re not willing to write for an audience of one, you don’t deserve to write for an audience of one million.” — Yann Girard

Everybody is chasing fame these days, trying to figure out how to get people’s attention and simply begging people to like their stuff whether they even like it or not.

But the truth is, if you’re not doing something for the simple fact that you love doing it and for the simple fact that doing it makes you come alive, then you probably don’t deserve to do it.

If you’re only chasing the end results such as fame, money, luxury etc… and you’re not enjoying yourself in the whole process of simply doing something then you don’t deserve to do it.

That might be hard for you to hear but that’s the ultimate truth.

If all you want is people’s acceptance and appraisals and money, then you will be running all your life for things that you’ll never get. Or even worst, things that you’ll eventually lose.

So before you embark on your crazy journey let me ask you this:

Do you really love what you do?

And would you still love what you do even if nobody was watching you or if you didn’t get money for it?

If your answers are “yes” then I’m sending a lot of positive vibes your way! I would wish you good luck but people like us know that things don’t happen because of luck, only by a lot of hard work, dedication and love for your craft!

So go forth, love what you do and do what you love! ♡

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