Five ways we’re supporting better health care

Liberal Party of Australia
3 min readJun 29, 2016


Here are the facts about the Coalition’s plan that Bill Shorten doesn’t want you to see.

All Labor has when it comes to health is a scare campaign. On the other hand, we have a real plan to ensure that all Australians continue to have access to a world class health system.

Here are some of the ways we’re investing in a modern health system for all Australians:

1. Increasing funding for hospitals

The Government has provided an additional $2.9 billion in new funding to public hospitals over the next three years. That’s an increase of up to 6.5% a year, with funding to be focused on delivering better patient outcomes, particularly when it comes to caring for patients with chronic and complex needs.

In total, we are investing $95 billion in public hospitals over five years.

2. Tackling childhood cancer

Each year about 1,000 children are diagnosed with cancer, with about 200 of these children diagnosed with forms of cancer that have no cure or do not respond to conventional treatments.

That’s why the Coalition is investing $20 million into personalised treatments for children with high risk cancers. This funding will help establish a national research collaboration called the Zero Childhood Cancer Initiative.

We’re also making sure that teenagers who are fighting rare and deadly cancers will have better access to potentially life-saving clinical trials.

Our commitment will ensure hundreds of young cancer patients will have immediate access to cutting-edge treatments and bring more clinical trials to Australia.

3. Better Medicare

We’re strengthening Medicare through the new Health Care Homes initiative, which will provide better care for chronically ill patients.

GPs will be able to coordinate the medical, allied health and out-of-hospital services that chronically ill patients need to help better manage their conditions and keep them out of hospital.

And just so we’re clear, we will not be privatising Medicare:

4. Cheaper access to new medicine

Our investments are making medicines cheaper — in some cases by as much as 60% per script, saving patients with multiple chronic conditions as much as $500 per year.

The Government has put nearly 1,000 new drugs onto the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, ensuring these life-saving medicines are available to all Australians, including life-saving drugs to treat Melanoma and Breast Cancer.

5. Medical research for the future

Australia is a world leader in the field of medical research. That’s why the Coalition established the $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund to provide a sustainable source of funding for vital medical research over the long term.

This landmark fund will provide $1 billion each year for medical research once fully established.

We have a plan for world class health care

Click here to find out the facts about our plan to ensure Australians continue to have access to a world class health care system.



Liberal Party of Australia

Liberal Party of Australia. Authorised by Tony Nutt, Liberal Party of Australia, Cnr Blackall & Macquarie Streets, Barton ACT 2600.