Why I love Medium

(and I want to say it on Medium)

Livio Marcheschi
2 min readNov 24, 2014

I believe Medium is the most beautiful (online) reading experience I have yet to encounter… and I would like to tell you why.

This September, many people I follow on Twitter started to write and share their posts on a website I had never seen before, something I could only define as “Svblte on steroids”.

At the beginning, I didn’t understand what it really was.
I just thought it was incredibly pleasant to read: it’s white background, no frills and, most of all, no ads! Brought to mind the meaning of the word: Medium.

I decided to sign up.

After a month of using it, I realised it is changing the way I experience and discover news online. This is why:

  • Medium is… clean: its pure white background, black fonts, few high quality pictures and no ads are the ideal recipe for a perfect, distraction-less, reading experience. Period.
  • Medium is… discovery: reading and discovering are part of the same act. Social connections are leveraged to help you discover relevant content: when you sign up, you are automatically connected with all your Twitter (or Facebook) contacts and their recommendations are automatically presented to you as the best articles to read. Moreover, Medium machine learning algorithms increase content relevance over time. In other words, the more you use the product, the better it gets!
  • Medium is… promotion: as readers can discover new articles, editors can easily promote their content to people that follow them using Medium website and app, email digests and push notifications. Thus, writing and distributing articles are part of the same act, as reading and discovery are!
  • Medium is… a wonderful app: all Medium pros are enhanced in its mobile version. The app is cleaner than the website: you can just read your current post or swipe to the next one. No menus. Useful push notifications of your friends’ new posts. It truly adheres to the old saying that “Less is more”, since less features translate to a better and more focused reading experience.

In conclusion, these are the reasons why I feel love Medium.

Now, I would like to know your opinion.

If you have enjoyed this article, please recommend it.
If you haven’t, just let me know why, by commenting on the post or sending me a tweet. I’ll be happy to reply as soon as I can!

Have a nice Medium-day!

Livio (@LivMKk)



Livio Marcheschi

Product leader and mentor. From Sardinia, Berlin based. Now writing on @ livmkk.substack.com