Disembodied, dispossessed and disgruntled: part 8, Demeter’s Apocalypse

Lizella Prescott
Demeter’s Apocalypse
1 min readJan 18, 2016


The atmosphere was
thick with souls.
Identities were
full of holes.

They filled the blanks
with anger

Needs without context
Time without place
Hunger without sustenance

They wanted their bodies back.
So they took them.

It was surprisingly easy.

To be continued…

Read Part 1
Read Part 2
Read Part 3
Read Part 4
Read Part 5
Read Part 6
Read Part 7
Read Part 9
Read Part 10
Read Part 11
Read Part 12
Read Part 13

Demeter’s Apocalypse is an ongoing experiment in storytelling. My goal is to tell a complete story in a series of 15 or so standalone poems. If this sounds interesting, I hope you’ll recommend this post (by clicking the ❤ button) so others can see it and comment. Thanks so much for reading.



Lizella Prescott
Demeter’s Apocalypse

Writer with two kids and three dogs. Occasional editor @weekdaypoems on Twitter. Not really a lizard.