Hades met a girl (no, not that one): part 7, Demeter’s Apocalyse

Lizella Prescott
Demeter’s Apocalypse
2 min readJan 11, 2016


The backlog of souls was so immense
that Hades took a business trip
to Mortal Earth.

Of course, he fell for the first woman he met.
She didn’t love him back.

Of course, he helped her hunt for food.
She didn’t love him back.

Of course, he followed her home and lit a fire.
She didn’t love him back.

Of course, he tried to save her stricken son.
She didn’t love him back.

Of course, knowing nothing of life, he failed.
She didn’t love him back.

Of course, she sickened and died soon after.
She didn’t love him back.

Of course, he carried her off to the Underworld.
She didn’t love him back.

Of course, he stuffed her soul into the deathless body of a nymph.
She didn’t love him back.

Hyssop, he asked, why don’t you love me?
she cried, I want to be with my son
and you
die die die.

She screamed and gnashed her teeth.
A vortex of maternal rage danced around her
and carried her out of the Underworld.
Hades was heartbroken.

Of course, he forgot the souls on mortal Earth,
waiting for judgment and release.

To be continued…

Read Part 1
Read Part 2
Read Part 3
Read Part 4
Read Part 5
Read Part 6
Read Part 8
Read Part 9
Read Part 10
Read Part 11
Read Part 12
Read Part 13

Demeter’s Apocalypse is an ongoing experiment. The goal is to tell a complete story in a series of 15–20 standalone poems. If this sounds interesting, I hope you’ll recommend this post (by clicking the ❤ button). Thanks so much for reading.



Lizella Prescott
Demeter’s Apocalypse

Writer with two kids and three dogs. Occasional editor @weekdaypoems on Twitter. Not really a lizard.