LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2017


We are working day and night on the back-end of LockChain’s property marketplace. We have made some great progress thanks to the help of Codexio!

User will be able to book on the marketplace, using either LOC or FIAT.

Our aim is to sell a total of 28M LOC of several years, out of which 30% will be going to further platform and software development.

We have already sold around 6M during our token pre-sale and mainsale (ends Nov 29th).

We partnered with Codexio from the very beginning of our project, who are Bulgarian based Software development team, founded by Ivan Yonkov, a lead at SoftUni’s software development training courses.

The platform should be available for use by Q1 2018, where we will have over 7000 properties listed, available for booking.

Here are a few snapshots of what to expect in the future release:



A massive thank you to Codexio for supporting our project. Expect more updates in the next few weeks!!

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LockTrip.com (LOC Token) Official Blog

Blockchain & fiat powered marketplace.Hoteliers & landlords list/rent property & manage bookings,& pay no commission. Retweets R not endorsements.