How to successfully bluff in Poker

Lu Dyar
2 min readJun 6, 2017


Bluffing is a part of any poker game. It is necessary to be a skilled Poker player to use some bluffing methods. When people play for few dollars, there is no need to bluff, but if we speak about the real Poker game for big money, it is a high time to show all your bluffing skills. Look at the tips that will help to become a successful Poker bluffer.

Tips how to successfully bluff in Poker

Bluff a maximum of two players

If you have a wish to be successful at Poker bluffing, then you should bluff a maximum of two poker players at one time. It is almost impossible to scare away more than 2 players, if there are a lot of active players at the table.

Don’t bluff against newcomers

There is a rule in Poker never to bluff against the newcomers or really bad players. These people can’t fold. Even if you have a strong hand, try to follow this rule.

Don’t bluff too much

Try to limit your bluffs, it is necessary to be a really skilled bluffer to do it often and successfully. It is not true, that in order to be a successful poker plyer, it is necessary to bluff all the time. It is a wrong opinion of new players. Use bluffing when you are sure that the opponent will fold.

Never bluff when the opponent has a strong hand

If you suspect that your opponent has a strong hand, never bluff. It is possible to use a semi bluff in this situation. This strategy will work if both players have the same hand and there will not be too much risk.

