Applying To Manchester Codes?

Manchester Codes
2 min readMar 21, 2018


Here’s what to expect

Applying to Manchester Codes is easy, it starts with a simple form where we’ll ask for a few details about you, your current situation, and your motivation for starting the course (hint: we’re looking for your drive and enthusiasm to learn rather than for previous coding experience).

Once we’ve received and read your application, we will send you an email with a link to some learning materials (free sections of Codecademy’s Introduction to JavaScript — chapters 1 to 7), and our online platform — where you will take an online exam based on the learning materials. You’ll need to achieve a 70% pass rate to be accepted on the course, but don’t worry if you don’t pass the first time, as you’ll be able to try again in a week’s time. We’ve wrote another post, which demystifies the exam.

Why do we require you to complete an online exam?

  1. To help you prepare for hard work!

One of the main reasons is to ensure you are prepared for the intensity of the course. Manchester Codes is designed to teach you a completely new skill-set and to become a job-ready junior developer in just 24 weeks.

You are required to attend two 3-hour evening classes, and put in 20 hours of coding outside of class per week. It’s a tough commitment, with most students balancing their studies alongside full-time jobs, family-commitments and more.

The learning materials will take around 15-20 hours to complete. This should give you a good indication of the time-commitment of the course.

We recommend 30 minutes for the exam, but there is no time limit, and we appreciate that people might take longer and/or get distracted with other commitments during the exam.

2. To learn some JavaScript

Almost all our students are beginners, but we want all our new applicants to start the course at the same level. Ensuring that you have studied and understand some basic principles of JavaScript will help us get you set up and writing your own code in no time.

Most importantly, it’ll give you a good indication if you enjoy coding and if this course is right for you!

Want to meet us in person?

We understand that this process is as much about you as it is about us. That’s why we offer regular open evenings where you can meet our tutors & have a go creating your own simple application. Alternatively you can book a campus visit to see the space & meet the team in person. Feel free to bring any questions or concerns you might have and we will provide you with everything you need to know before you apply.

We look forward to hearing from you soon :-)

Please visit our website for more info or feel free to get in touch with any questions at You can also read about what goes on in our classes here.

