reddit factions day 2

3 min readSep 24, 2015

still building a kick-ass game in 3 days

The song ‘nothing else matters’ comes to mind when looking back over the past couple of days … “so close, no matter how faaaaarrrr.” Either we’ve gone mad or we’re creating magic. Only the next 24 hours will tell. If you have no idea what I’m talking about head here and start over.

It’s pretty nuts to think about how much we’ve achieved in a mere 48 hours. The browser extension is almost ready to add to the website … yes WEBSITE. It’s so close to releasing!

Not quite finished but we’re pretty chuffed.

The core game functionality is almost done. You can register to participate in a battle, but you can’t actually battle just yet, the system won’t know what to do with you. You can join in an existing battle, see the damage and attack stats but at the moment it will have about as much affect as a diet pill on a sumo.

One of the biggest challenges we’ve had, when dealing with game logic, is to reevaluate some of the assumptions we made early on about the rules. There are some rules that conflict with others. i.e. There was a rule where people could join in to attack or defend in any battle. Another rule existed that the winning side of a fight would take resources from the losing side. This allowed the possibility of a faction fighting and taking resources from itself… a universe in a box, as it were. Because of inconsistencies like this we’ve had to make some refinements to the rules and add additional restrictions within the game due to them.

a battle is able to be recorded and faction points applied!

The numbers are thinning but we’re still going!

On top of battle logic we’ve built and launched the ui components and are hooking it up to data. We’ve made a schema for the components and the data layers. All that’s left is to tidying up some design elements within the app and sort out the extension icons and content.

A particular challenge on the front end is dealing with the reddit stylesheets. They initially seem simple, but when you unravel them they are far more complex than they appear. Getting the parts of the API that have been done and that parts of the ui to line up and connect together means that we’ll likely end up lots of ui that doesn’t end up being implemented.

If we’d all had a bit more sleep last night …

Perhaps if we’d realised how much time was needed to finish off everything, we’d have continued working into late last night, and not had those last frothies. Forgive us … It’s a meant to be a retreat! Lack of time is going to either be the string that unwinds us or ties it all together, we shall see.

Get involved!

What‘s particularly cool is the awesome response we’re getting to the idea. The subreddit is filling with questions fast and we’re doing the best we can to answer each and every one of them. In fact we’re getting a fair few ideas on enhancements and features so keep ‘em coming!

Subscribe to r/redditfactions to join in the conversation.

Less than 24 hours till we launch (hopefully)! #redditfactions

UPDATE: Find out if we managed to hit our deadline here.




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