How To Explain Yours To a Content Creator

Steven McKie
4 min readApr 23, 2016


Since Ryan focused on how curators can be rewarded simply by posting great content on Yours in his last post [check it out: here], I’ll focus on how creators can benefit from using Yours. Also, check out my last post regarding how we plan on incentivizing content: here.

So, what is Yours? There are a myriad of different ways we could possibly go about explaining it. We could nail you with the technical specifics, and dance around that with a few marketing slogans, perhaps say the buzzword “content monetization” a bunch — but we won’t.

Let’s take a different approach. Let’s go through a moment in the life of a (hopeful) average Yours user, and talk about what our vision looks like; and how we plan to change the way people discover engaging and entertaining content on the web..and get paid to do it.

The content that you post to Yours is essentially your personal stake into the platform. As viewership and usage of Yours grows -thanks to great contributors (hopefully) like yourself; the propensity that you will see more profit increases as the network grows in adoption. More users means more great content consumers who may find your posts engaging, and worthy of a monetary reward.

Simply put: Post awesome stuff, make Yours a go-to destination for realtime content discovery thanks to your creative talents, profit.

Now What Does Using Yours Look Like..

To get a better perspective into how Yours can benefit content creators from all walks of life — we’re going to tell you a short story.

Let’s spend a moment in the life of “Chris”.

Chris is an average Yours user. A college graduate and working professional living in New York — he’s a fairly hip, young individual.

Chris discovered Yours because of his love of unearthing cool new indie music. He’s a huge fan of SoundCloud, and uses it as his platform of choice for discovering great new sounds; and for publishing the sick beats he concocts in his home studio (a desk and Mic).

He’s grown a solid following on SoundCloud (the recent mixtape he dropped was ‘fire’), and now he wants to reach a wider, more varied audience to share his music.

He’s made a nice modest sum with the money that SoundCloud rewards him for plays, but that’s not enough to sustain his hobby (a common issue many creators face when monetizing their creative works online).

Chris wants to make more money to save up for some new mixing equipment — he’s considering DJing. His friends do it and they say it’s a fun way to earn some extra money.

Chris has used Yours before. Previously, he’d endorsed a few posts in the past and had made a few bucks on some SoundCloud mixes he found before they’d become popular — so he knew he had an audience.

Chris decides he’ll take a few of his mixes, and submit them to Yours.

He reluctantly types his post title and links to his music: “Check out this fire! Got some great club jams I’ve been working on, hope you guys enjoy them!”

“That should do it”, he says.

Nervous, Chris gets up to go watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones.

“What if no one likes my music?”, He thought to himself as he cut on the TV.

Shaking his head, Chris shrugged “Nah, what am I thinking, my mom loves my music — they will too.”

Chris, following another great Game of Thrones episode, returns to his desk and sits down in front of his laptop. He goes to his Yours tab he’d left open in his browser, and clicks his user Wallet page.

“Yes!” Chris exclaimed in a joyous outcry, clapping his hands together excitedly.

Inside Chris’s Yours wallet, he’d accrued over $5 dollars in Bitcoin for his post so far in endorsements.

“Wow, people really do enjoy my music. It’s not much, but it’s a start! And, all I did was post a link..maybe I’m on to something.” He said to himself under his breath in shocked disbelief.

Chris, proud of himself and his newfound wealth, clicks to look at the Yours content leaderboard.

“Wait, is that me?” He said in a shocked tone.

He read the names on the leaderboard out loud in order: “1. RyanX, 2. SMcKie…3. Ohh s*…RapMaster420".

“That’s me!” Chris yelled as he hurriedly took a screenshot of his internet fame.

Chris was floored. His music not only was worth REAL money to other people, but he was in the top 3 in the world!

Satisfied with his new passive income, Chris decides to reward himself.

“That DJing equipment can wait.” he said.

Chris then proceeds to go back to his Wallet page, and sends all of his funds to his Steam account to buy a few games during the Steam sale.

“I deserve this.” He says proudly clicking the “launch game” button on his new purchase.

In Closing

This is just a brief view into the types of creators we hope to see on Yours. Chris embodies just a single example of the types of young creatives who seek an outlet to get their art out to a broader audience, and make some money.

There are a lot of different media related networks on the web today; and you have a healthy choice of major platforms for which to go view different types of media. But, where do you go to view all of that content in one place? And, most importantly, where do you go to make money off your OWN content that you create?

Any creator can start monetizing their work by posting to the Yours platform. YouTuber? Wordpress blogger? Instagram celebs? We want to help empower your creations from all over the web.

We hope you join us for the soft launch in May. Visit our site at to site up to be notified with information about the preview, and check out our Engineering blog:



Steven McKie

Writer. Programmer. UX/UI. Bitcoin/Ethereum. ENTP. Doing things