Women and Inequality at Work

The Highest Pay Gaps For Women in Six Years — Debunking The Myth (Again)

Goldman Sachs seem to have a problem paying women fairly

Me and My Muse
13 min readApr 8, 2024


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It’s a month exactly since the truth was uncovered about the (global) pay, and rights inequality for working women. It was confirmed there’s no location in the world that scored 100% on ensuring that women are receiving their legal equal rights or equal pay by the World Bank, in their recent research study published in March 2024. This report’s findings I analysed in my last essay on International Women’s Day, World Bank Update: No Equality For Working Women in any Country.

Since then another report surfaced last week, which I got my hands on. Data supplied by Goldman Sachs shows clearly their pay inequality for women. It’s been confirmed for women who work here, they have seen the largest pay gaps for them compared to men take place over the last six years.

Therefore, the “non-existent pay gap” or no such thing as inequality when we compare women’s pay to men’s, that we keep hearing about, based on data and statistics has already be de-bunked as a myth globally in March in my last essay, and reconfirmed as a fantasy many have when it comes to women and them being paid equally again this April.



Me and My Muse

A Londoner, essayist, crime fiction writer, humanitarian, avid reader. Writing about 'womanist' topics, race, gender, society, and what's important worldwide.