6 min readJul 7, 2018


Nowadays, it is hard to say what and how the world and its living creatures will look like in 10 years. The technology is progressing faster each second . Time is gaining on values and its meaning but the lifestyle and the quality of it is all the time changing and they are increasingly channeled in the direction where the personal time of each individual will become an inestimable value.

In one of his speeches Alibaba founder, Ali Ma, said that we should not be scared, the robots and all innovative technology do not want to do us anything bad and only when we accept all these innovations as an added value of our lives, then we will be really able to start enjoying and living the life of the creative person.

Wells in his book The Time Machine wrote: “Nature never appeals to intelligence until habit and instinct are useless. There is no intelligence where there is no need for change.” If we stop for a moment and pass in mind over through history, we realize that merely in two sentences the pith of the development of humanity is covered. And if we get a little deeper, we can at the present time see a lot of similarities with the beginnings of the industrial era. The people were afraid of the machines, they were destroying them and considered them enemies. In them they saw only evil that would take over and swallow their jobs. They believed that it was the beginning of the end of humanity. But we are still here and machines are part of our lives. We took them for granted, so that nowadays we cannot imagine life without them. They raised our standard of living, gave us back some of the time we had spent for work, relieved us of a burden and gave us more freedom for creativity.

But now, robots and all high technology and an expensive humanity have come — this is a sign of alarm! Robots and technology will take away our jobs, we will slowly be dying out and even much earlier we will have serious things going on. And history is repeating itself.

Regardless of the development of our human species, we still carry an instinct that acts as our unconscious inner compass and keeps us in the direction of life that helps us develop. We survived the industrial era, pull out from it as much as possible and now is the time for a new era. Despite our initial doubts and fears, our inner compass has directed us on the path of the digital era which is an upgrade of industrialization and will give us more personal freedom, more creativity, more privacy, more security.

A part of this digital age and of the time of great changes is also our product, Medicohealth, which interferes with one of the most sensitive and important areas of human life — health. Medicine and its related fields made an enormous progress in a technological and scientific sense and every day it is developing and expanding at a faster pace. Unfortunately, the “service”, which makes it accessible, available and usable for the society, cannot follow. “Service” or to all known term “HEALTH” has been stuck in time.

It would be unfair to say that nothing new happened in this area. On the contrary. In the last decade, healthcare has undergone major changes, also in the technological and digital terms. But there is a challenge how to change such a megalomaniac systems in order to get the final result, positive for the all involved stakeholders. Therefore, despite all great efforts and inputs, we still do not have a safe and effective health system. And that we do not even mention the problem of the fragmentation.

But whenever there is a certain situation, there must be also a solution to it. And here is the story of Medicohealth. A group of doctors, technologists and business people has created a business model that fills the gap in security, privacy, efficiency and fragmentation of the healthcare system.

In the article MEDICOHEALTH FOR SOCIAL GOOD we have revealed three advantages that our project will give to the society:
• returning health to the hands of the individual,
• creating a society of trust, security and dignity,
• connecting expertise and experiences for a social good.

And if we return to the words of Ali Ma — we also contribute to a more creative future. Today, most of the society does not think about it, but all of us involved in this industry are aware that the future depends on our vision, on our image that we see in the future.

What we see are:
• minimized lines in waiting rooms,
• an average healthier and more satisfied population,
• raising the quality of health services,
• developing a more personal relationship between the patient-doctor,
• greater and faster flow of knowledge and information among the medical profession,
• development of new business models in the insurance and pharmaceutical industry.

When we are not completely sure about our well-being or a possible rash, we will solve it by sending a short message or a photo through the MedicoHealth application to our chosen doctor or to our personal doctor. In case we are somewhere far away from home, our personal physician will be able to advise us whom to visit or we will search for ourselves on the Medicohealth application the doctor with the best assessment of patients somewhere nearby. All together will take us a couple of minutes. We can do it from home, on the way, in the middle of the mountains, while we are sailing, from our holiday house, from a walk with a child. And we can do it exactly when we need help. There will be always somebody at your disposal to help you.

For doctors, Medicohealth will be a great laboratory, a library, a professional research center. They will have the opportunity to consult one another, to look for similar health situations and procedures to improve the health of their patients. The doctor will be able to monitor his patient regardless of his moving around the world, he will help him, counsel him, and guide him in the case of help. He will be able to enter into communication with a potential doctor abroad when his patient needs help. Also regarding the data — exactly the ones that the treating doctor will need will be available. And also, X-ray or MR images and certain laboratory tests will no longer be necessary to be repeated or to be done again. All will be, of course, with the patient’s approval, available in a digital online file.

Our roadmap tells you where we are going to expand, when we are coming to your country, region, location. Follow us, join us. Because we are creating and developing for you, every moan and every interaction with society is important for us.

And concluding in a visionary and futuristic way — “The society and the world are ready for changes. We are just one of them but of the crucial significance as we are building bridges to better health. “

Stay healthy!



Medicohealth is a health portal with the objective to support patients in their search for the right doctor for their health concerns.