OnePageX — You can make transactions without registering

Estoy Frita
6 min readOct 21, 2018



With the passing of years in the blockchain world we have become accustomed to an exchange system that always offers us more of the same and where innovation never seems to be present. The everyday became a routine that often limits us, and this can generate significant monetary losses for many users.

The conventional exchange systems are accustomed to obligatorily go through a host of parameters to be able to make a successful registration, asking you exaggerated data for a simple registration. That is why the idea of OnePageX was born, which came to revolutionize the exchange blockchain with its simple and easy way of doing things.


It is a platform that aims to exchange cryptocurrencies, but in a simpler and easier way than we are used to.
The fundamental principle of the creators of OnePageX is to simplify the process of converting cryptocurrencies and be able to do it WITHOUT REGISTRATION.

Wide selection of cryptocurrencies


Among the major limitations that many pages of exchanges give us, is the very particular selection of cryptocurrencies that they handle. And in many cases, we want to make certain transactions with certain crypts, but those pages do not have them available. That is why it is imperative to have a wide selection of cryptocurrencies, and this is known by companies like OnePageX.
At present OnePageX has made the conversion from BITCOIN and take it to your favorite crypto, where currently there is an approximate of 92 cryptocurrencies available to date, where OnePageX main intention is to continue lengthening the list with more cryptocurrencies and in a future be able to make exchanges from another crypto base different from Bitcoin.


  • Being able to make multiple exchanges from a page.
  • Save time.
  • Optimizes the Exchange process.
  • Be at the forefront in the world of blockchain and Exchange pages.
  • Exchanges are faster with OnePageX.

Comparison with other exchange systems


It is almost impossible that you have reached this point of the post and it is no more than obvious the great comparative difference between the ordinary systems and OnePageX. That is why we will be a little more explicit when explaining the availability of available assets between pages.
OnePageX has a portfolio of assets available that is much broader than that of many Exchange sites that have years in the market. For this reason, users feel more comfortable using OnePageX, as they have a wide variety of available assets above the competition.

The importance of not requiring registration

OnePageX was created to get out of the mold of the conventional, so the importance of making transactions without registration lies in the very beginning of the transaction, when generating a unique URL that is copied and pasted, and that can be used indefinitely and that will also serve to keep a constant check of the status of our transactions.

How does it work?

The operation is very easy and fast through integration with exchange, looking for the best prices for the cryptocurrency that is chosen. As I said before, they have an estimate of between 90 to 140 cryptocurrencies available, and the time of transactions is almost instantaneous once the currency to be deposited is confirmed.
If you want to guarantee faster exchange rates, you must use the appropriate rates to send Bitcoin.



Recall that OnePageX works with a simple interface that allows multiple transactions from your page creating cards to your users for each transaction they perform, and that allows them to visualize how many times they want that transaction at any time.

Cards and transactions

The cards will allow the status of transactions to be displayed in a clear and up-to-date manner, and for the user to have an accurate idea of the same.


Talking about Widget is talking about a breakthrough above others, and OnePageX could not be left behind in this aspect. That is why you have for the specific website to make it possible to copy and paste the URL so that users can make their exchanges quickly. In this case the widget is called OneBoX and works as a subgroup within OnePageX.

Case of use

Daily User


Louis is starting out in the business world and the blockchain, so he needs the best tools to be successful, so he recommends some good ones that require a lot of money and time that he does not have. That is why investigating on your own is achieved with OnePageX and decides to venture into this page, having positive results almost immediately, due to its speed of transactions, simple to use and allows you to make several transactions at once.

Business user

The company COINCHANGE is an organization that is dedicated to the exchange of currencies, and its means of payment is by cryptocurrencies. So they decide to implement the OnePageX ONEBOX widget so that their users can change their Bitcoin for the currency they choose and in this way it is easier for COINCHANGE to keep an accurate control of the transactions made.


It is more than proven that the world of cryptocurrencies and everything that surrounds them is a universe full of good ideas willing to help their users and grow with them in the process of profits from these. And OnePageX knows this is willing to be a very helpful tool to make exchanges much faster, and most importantly, that allows you to make those exchanges without the cumbersome records.



Selection of crypto












More Information & Resources:

OnePageX Telegram
OnePageX Website
OnePageX Steemit
OnePageX FAQ
OnePageX Medium
OnePageX OneBox
OnePageX Twitter

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Estoy Frita

Soy el Humo de un cigarrillo mas! He caido de un cielo y no he chocado con el suelo y eso me hace pensar que Sigo viva por algún motivo! Instagram: @MerrysLamb