Why we’re endorsing early

Michigan LCV
3 min readApr 19, 2018


Michigan was once an environmental leader, and we can be again

It wasn’t long ago that the Great Lakes State was a national leader in conservation and environmental protection.

Our elected leaders in Lansing stood together to protect what makes the Great Lakes state a great place to live, work, and play.

Photo from signing of Great Lakes Compact in 2008 — Rebekah Warren (D) and Patty Birkholz (R) pictured alongside Gov. Granholm.

We passed groundbreaking protections for sand dunes, enacted strong standards to control the spread of invasive species, ratified the Great Lakes Compact, led the nation in banning phosphorus in dish-washing detergent and enacted strong mercury pollution standards, and passed a landmark “polluter-pays” law that put the burden for paying to clean up contaminated sites on polluters instead of Michigan taxpayers.

But in recent years, Michiganders across the state have watched with increasing unease as our elected leaders have turned their back on this legacy — even begun chipping away at it.

Polling shows again and again that Michiganders want robust protections for our natural areas, clean drinking water, and the air we breathe, but state leaders aren’t listening.

That’s why we’re gearing up to fight hard for candidates for state office who will make protecting our environment and safeguarding public health a top priority.

Today Michigan LCV announced our endorsement of 15 candidates (3 of whom are former board members) who have set themselves apart as true champions for Michigan’s clean drinking water, our Great Lakes, and our natural resources.

In the coming months, Michigan LCV will pull out all the stops to make sure that our state government starts acting in the best interest of the people of the Great Lakes State by protecting our land, air, and water.

With the election of a new Governor and 50 state offices up for grabs, this year offers a unique opportunity to put Michigan on a better path.

Michigan can and should be a state where people’s voices are more powerful than special interests, where tap water is safe to drink, where energy is produced sustainably, and our incredible parks and public lands are protected for future generations to enjoy.

We need leaders who will hold our state government accountable for delivering results and keeping promises. We need elected officials that will ask the tough questions, take hard votes, and stand up for people over party and special interests.

Those aren’t pie in the sky dreams; those are basic expectations for a responsible state government.

It is time for the Great Lakes region — once a national example of bold leadership in protecting the health of our citizens and natural resources — to reclaim its status and connect the dots between environmental protection, public health, our economy and our state’s prosperity.

Supporting standout leaders like these is the first step toward putting Michigan back on the right track. Will you join us in the fight for these champions? >>



Michigan LCV

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