Cop28 President Al Jaber’s Campaign for a Greener Future

Abegail Jacob
2 min readNov 25, 2023


In the upcoming Climate event, Cop28 President is driving a transformative story in the energy industry. His latest proposal for a 7% annual decrease in emissions and the eradication of methane emissions is a ground-breaking attitude from a powerful figure in the oil industry.

Al Jaber’s commitment to aggressive climate targets represents a paradigm shift in the business, emphasizing a shared duty to address environmental concerns.

Did you know how he prioritized important industries for environmental remediation, such as energy, cement, steel, and aluminum? This deliberate focus on industries with high environmental effect illustrates a comprehensive approach to sustainability. Al Jaber is leading the discourse toward real solutions that can make a significant difference in the global fight to prevent climate change by identifying these industries.

I also learned how he advocates for additional investment, recognizing the critical need to accelerate the transition to cleaner technology. Al Jaber appealed for more than three times the amount shown in the International Energy Agency assessment, which showed a $1.4 trillion investment in the energy transition in 2022. This desire for increased financial contribution shows an understanding of the global environmental crises’ scope and urgency.

In addition to this His focus on specific industries and call for additional investment created a positive tone, highlighting the importance of collaboration and innovation in accomplishing the Paris Agreement’s goals.

I am looking forward to critical takeaways from this climate summit as well as positive collaboration amongst different nations.

Let us observe how the President of the Cop28 handles the climate situation



Abegail Jacob

Inspiring writer, political researcher, and fiction writer who encourages young people