MissionDAO: Letter Three

Why The Metaverse?

4 min readJan 6, 2022

Dear Beloved Friend,

Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

Again, it’s so lovely to be able to fellowship with all of you on Medium. In our last letter, we talked about why we decided to form a DAO on the blockchain. I hope we managed to answer any pressing questions.

Should you have a query or burning need to get connected with us — feel free to write us back in the comments section or reach out to us on our social media handles (down below!). Someone from our team will get it sorted out immediately.

For anyone who is reading this for the first time — we are MissionDAO.

MissionDAO is the world’s first, fully transparent and decentralised mission fund. As an entity, we believe that the only solution to the human condition is Christ Jesus. To put it simply, we view ourselves as an extension of God’s love and desire to see souls saved through traditional and/or digital missions on earth and in the Metaverse.

Our mission is simple, but not easy: To Advance the Kingdom Of God (On Earth And In The Metaverse)

Through MissionDAO NFT art sales, we aim to fund traditional and digital missions for the furtherance of the gospel. A portion of it will be set aside for operational costs and supporting Christian businesses and artists.

In this letter, we will be touching on the subject of “Why The Metaverse?” — but before that let’s turn our eyes to the words of the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 43.

Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

From the advent of the printing presses where the Gutenberg bible was born to the social media boom in the late 2000s, technology has evolved with the march of time.

No matter the medium or platform, the gospel message of Christ Jesus has continued to spread — shining its revelation light on every nook and cranny of this world. And it doesn’t stop, especially with the fast-approaching reality of the Metaverse.

So, Why The Metaverse?

The word “Metaverse” is traced to Snow Crash — a novel written by Neal Stephenson in 1992.

Once considered a niche concept by Sci-Fi enthusiasts, the Metaverse is more than a digital world. It is a virtual reality that runs parallel to our existing virtual realities.

The Covid-19 pandemic has exponentially accelerated the screen times of billions of people all around the world. Businesses have pivoted to virtual operations while churches all over the world are going digital to feed their flocks electronically.

As it stands, the world is now in frenzied anticipation of an AR and VR-driven world at the collision site of the banking & finance, cybersecurity, real estate, gaming, and art industries.

Therefore this train of thought leads us to the main question — “Why The Metaverse?”

The answer is simple: we want to be where people are.

To pioneer a new digital missionary work in the Metaverse: Mankind is standing at the brink of the next chapter in our collective history with the Metaverse being the future of human connectivity. The Metaverse holds endless possibilities for how we can advance the Kingdom and preach the Gospel.

As missionaries enter physical mission fields, so should digital missionaries enter the Metaverse to pound every pavement and wander every street to introduce Jesus to lost souls. To proclaim the good news in this immersive digital reality unto the glory of God.

Now, Imagine This:

Leading people to believe in Jesus by pounding the pavements of the Metaverse, preaching and demonstrating the Gospel —

Imagine conversing with diverse individuals across borders to share the Gospel like Ray Comfort, healing the sick like Todd White, or even expressing God’s love through your avatar.

Giving people a chance to belong to a community of Jesus followers through creating immersive experiences for people to congregate and connect in the Metaverse —

Imagine a virtual equivalent to the breathtaking art in the Florence Cathedral, St Peter’s Basilica or David’s Tent where you can worship for a full 72 hours.

Discipling people to become like Jesus through hosting virtual conferences and podcasts to equip and release theologically-grounded content accessible in the Metaverse —

Imagine The Gospel Coalition Conference, Devotions by Charles Spurgeon or a screening of the next The Chosen series.

As it is written in Acts 1 before our Lord’s ascension, so shall His will be done.

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Friends, now that the Holy Spirit has come upon us, let us be witnesses to Him to the ends of the earth. We are in the middle of a move of God. Do you not perceive it?

In the next letter, we’ll be talking about blessing Christian businesses and Christian artists.

While we march towards our NFT mint and lay the foundations for MissionDAO, we appreciate your prayers! Stay connected, stay safe, and stay ready for an amazing ride of a lifetime.

With Love,




The World’s First Fully Transparent and Decentralised Missions-Giving Ecosystem