MissionDAO: Letter Two

Why A Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO) On The Blockchain?

4 min readDec 30, 2021

Dear Beloved Friend,

Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

It’s so lovely to be with all of you here on Medium. In our last letter, we talked about what the Lord has placed in our hearts as we step into this exciting project. Keep us in your prayers, will you?

Should you have a query or burning need to get connected with us — feel free to write us back in the comments section or reach out to us on our social media handles (down below!). Someone from our team will get it sorted out immediately.

For anyone who is reading this for the first time — we are MissionDAO.

MissionDAO is the world’s first, fully transparent and decentralised mission fund. As an entity, we believe that the only solution to the human condition is Christ Jesus. To put it simply, we view ourselves as an extension of God’s love and desire to see souls saved through traditional and/or digital missions on earth and in the Metaverse.

Our mission is simple, but not easy: To Advance the Kingdom Of God (On Earth And In The Metaverse)

Through MissionDAO NFT art sales, we aim to fund traditional and digital missions for the furtherance of the gospel. A portion of it will be set aside for operational costs and supporting Christian businesses and artists.

In the following letters, we will address our desire to expand into the Metaverse.

But for the sake of staying focused and covering all grounds, we will focus on why we decided to utilise blockchain technology and create a DAO.

Why A DAO on the Blockchain?

To understand the nature of a DAO, we need to talk about the technology it is built on — blockchain.

But before that, here’s a simple explanation of what a DAO is: A Decentralised Autonomous Organisation is a member-owned entity without centralised leadership that runs on self-executing smart contracts on a public blockchain.

Blockchain is a fast-emerging technology that has exploded into mainstream consciousness. It is still in its infancy, but we believe that it’s the future.

We are already seeing the technology drive major changes and create new opportunities in the banking & finance, cybersecurity, real estate, gaming, and art industries.

A blockchain is a decentralised database.

It is an electronically distributed ledger or a list of records that is securely assembled in blocks and transparent for open viewing.

The value of blockchain technology stems from its ability to share humongous amounts of data swiftly, securely, and efficiently with transparency.

Smart Contracts

With the advent of popular blockchain Ethereum, smart contract capabilities were introduced to the world of blockchain.

Smart contracts are collections of code that run on the blockchain.

Think of the contracts that we sign on a daily basis — our employment contracts or consent forms.

Contracts are meant to set ground rules for involved parties to adhere to. The terms of agreement of a regular contract are usually enforced by involved parties — which means that trust and permission is needed.

Smart contracts eliminate the need for trust and permission as it self-executes only if predetermined conditions are met.

This means that blockchain technology and smart contracts enable the formation of DAOs.

They are the backbone of a DAO and ensure that structure is kept, terms of agreement are adhered to, and facilitates the safe execution of transactions or agreements.

So, what does this all mean? We’ll get there, friends!

The Case For MissionDAO as a DAO: Security — Decentralisation — Transparency

Movement and Security Of Funds

The implementation of blockchain technology is seen most clearly in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that are utilised for the buying and selling of goods and peer-to-peer transfers. They are secured by cryptography and recorded on a blockchain. By nature, blockchains are decentralised — where many nodes or networks come to a consensus on the transactions that occur on the blockchain.

This makes it hard for someone to game the system, and ensures that funds are correctly stored, sent, and/or recorded.

Decentralisation Of Power

In traditional organisations, a select group of people at the top hold decision-making power to set direction or make key decisions. In a DAO, that power is decentralised and placed into the hands of an automated system that takes every single member of the organisation into consideration.

This means that proposals must be pitched, discussed, voted on, and documented for the consideration of every member.

Transparency And Accountability

The most important aspect of a DAO is transparency and accountability. With the movement of funds, and pitching of proposals — every process is recorded and documented on the blockchain for open and transparent viewing. Instead of end-of-the-year reports, blockchain technology allows users to access data and information that is publicly recorded. Everything is publicly available for full disclosure.

All in all, membership isn’t restricted by time or space and ensures the smooth facilitation of an ecosystem for global collaboration and coordination.

Closing Thoughts

MissionDAO aims to be secure, decentralised, and transparent.

By building a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO), we will ensure every dollar transaction is recorded transparently on a blockchain, and decentralise decision-making processes to all DAO owners. This means that members will get to monitor how their money is spent and have a vote on important matters.

In the next letter, we’ll share our heart on pounding the pavements of the Metaverse unto the glory of God! In the meantime, keep us in fervent prayer.

To God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.

With Love,

If you haven’t already connected with us, you can find us right here:

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/JCRWMN9kV4

LinkedIn Page: http://linkedin.com/company/mission-dao

Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/themissiondao

Twitter Account: http://twitter.com/missiondao

Instagram Account:http://instagram.com/missiondao




The World’s First Fully Transparent and Decentralised Missions-Giving Ecosystem