12 things I wish I did from 17 years old (now that I’m 36)

Monju Meah BCAv 🚀
6 min readMar 2, 2023
Looking out from Rockefeller Centre to the glorious NYC Skyline
Looking out from Rockefeller Centre at the glorious NYC Skyline

If I were to go back.. these are the 12 things I would do differently or much more of when I was on the cusp of becoming an adult. If you are under 20 or in your early 20s consider the advice below! Learn, absorb, and apply! Good luck!

READ! It will change your life.

I think between ages 16 to my early 30s, I only read about 20 books other than textbooks at university…. What a missed opportunity to gain knowledge. What I’ve discovered over the last 2 years after I developed an insatiable appetite for reading (99% business, psychology, self-help, autobiographies, and other non-fiction) is the massive practical knowledge you gain.

Atomic Habits was the book that kicked off a bit of a renaissance with reading back in January 2021. The small changes the book advocates led me to think about process and automation in my work… and in less than a year I started implementing changes that would save me 20 admin days a year and counting. I'm now reading/listing to 60–70 books a year. Get Audible, you will not regret it!

Invest in your education

One of the biggest investments you can make is in your education. Not crypto or the latest hot tip on a stock. For long-term personal and professional development, invest in…



Monju Meah BCAv 🚀

Writing about Digital Skills, Social Impact and Productivity. Digital Inclusion Manager @ Capgemini. Awarded British Citizen Award Medal of Honour in 2023.