The Hero’s Hold #18 — March 14, 2022

6 min readMar 14, 2022


The Hero’s Hold — A DeFi Kingdoms Hero Report


Well met, adventurer — welcome to The Hero’s Hold! In this series, we track the details about heroes in DeFi Kingdoms, with game news, statistics, metrics, and more!

The snapshot for all of this week’s data was taken on 3/14 at 8am ET.

Welcome to the Hero’s Hold, adventurer!

In this Issue:

  • Heroic Happenings (Game News)
  • The Summoner’s Circle (Hero Stats)
  • Hero Whale Watch

Like last week, today’s issue is slightly abbreviated — the Adventurer’s Guild (Hero Wallets) section is on hiatus while the Perilous Journey is ongoing. But once heroes return, we’ll get right back to it!

So, let’s dig in!

Heroic Happenings

This was a huge week for DeFi Kingdoms as we begin to learn more about the impending Crystalvale release. Check out some of the major news that came out this week:

The Perilous Journey Sets Sail

Signups for the Perilous Journey closed on Monday afternoon as the brave Heroes set sail!

The Perilous Journey sets sail!

In total, 40,981 Heroes from 4,414 wallets — 27.1% of all Heroes — were sent on the journey!

On Friday evening, I posted an article detailing the stats of the Heroes that were sent — check it out if you haven’t already:

And as a reminder, Heroes will return — or not — on Wednesday, March 16 at 2pm EDT, at which point they will be claimable along with all earned rewards.

DeFi Kingdoms Blockchain Announcement

On Tuesday morning, we learned that DFK is officially partnering with AVA Labs to release Crystalvale on DFK Chain, a subnet of the Avalanche Blockchain.

While this news has been anticipated for some time, it’s hard to overstate what a big deal it is now that it’s official. A few important takeaways:

  • JEWEL will be the gas token of DFK Chain, dramatically increasing its utility
  • The team has full control over setting gas fees, and a significant portion (possibly upwards of 50%) of JEWEL used for gas will be burned
  • As the flagship Avalanche subnet, AVA Labs is offering $15m in incentives to early liquidity providers, in both CRYSTAL and AVAX.

This is a huge development for DFK, and can only lead to many more exciting things in the future!

Crystalvale Trailer & Release Date

Then, Tuesday evening, we finally got what we’ve all been waiting for: the release date of Crystalvale & an epic trailer to go along with it.

Crystalvale will release on March 30, 2022, with Epoch 1 of CRYSTAL emissions in the Ice Gardens beginning at 8pm EDT. For additional details, see the Crystalvale updates in the Official Docs:

I can’t wait to learn more about all of the new locations, NPCs, and three new classes (two basic, one advanced)!

In Smaller News…

Some other news, announcements, and content from the past week:

Weekly Community AMA

A few notable takeaways from the AMA:

  • Crystalvale art teasers!
  • Patch schedule shifting to larger releases every two weeks with minor bug fixes happening constantly in between
  • Fiat onramp is in the works!
  • Pogo doxxes himself as composer Sam Shandley

Official Content

From the Community

The Summoner’s Circle

Let’s take a look at some statistics for all of the heroes that have been summoned so far.

Total Heroes: 154,758 (+4,234 / 2.81%)

Hero Growth

As expected, Hero summoning decreased sharply this week after the Perilous Journey signups closed. This is due, in no small part I’m sure, to the fact that over 1600 Gen0s are currently unavailable for summoning. The total number of heroes increased by 4,234 (2.81%), with an average just over 600 new Heroes summoned every day.

Total Heroes (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Mar. 14: 154,758 (+4,234 / 2.81%)
• Mar. 7: 150,524 (+9,788 / 6.95%)
• Feb. 28: 140,735 (+7,433 / 5.58%)
• Feb. 21: 133,302 (+5,945 / 4.67%)

Tavern Volume

Tavern volume likewise slowed to a crawl this week after spiking before the Perilous Journey. The average number of sales this week was 755, with a total weekly volume of 489k JEWEL — nearly half of last week’s volume. The average sale price this week was 92.4 JEWEL vs. 99.5 last week.

Note: As with the other data, the daily numbers represent the 24 hours prior to 8am ET on the listed day.

Hero Stat Breakdowns

Highest Profession Skills

  • Foraging: 21.4 (#1976 / Legendary Archer, Level 10)
  • Fishing: 21.2 (#581 / Mythic Pirate, Level 10)
  • Gardening: 18.6 (#10448 / Uncommon Priest, Level 7)
  • Mining: 17.0 (#69545 / Common Summoner, Level 7)

Hero Whale Watch

Finally, even though many Heroes are out on the Perilous Journey, let’s check in on those who didn’t send all of their Heroes out. Three names from this list — Pikul, leon, and holmes — are all regulars in the Top 10, and it looks like they may not have participated at all (unless with different wallets).

While not on this list, notably, Hero whale Veilvi, who sent 384 Heroes on the Perilous Journey, still has another 321 Heroes in wallets that didn’t get sent, placing their full total at just over 700 Heroes.

Account Name / Hero Count

  1. Pikul / 301
  2. leon / 291
  3. Highness Royal / 259
  4. DFKsummoner / 256
  5. holmes / 245
  6. Chi / 217
  7. Chichowski / 206
  8. Natahala3 / 199
  9. Bern / 186
  10. Korsus / 176

That’s it for today! Thanks for reading, and please subscribe and stick around for future editions of The Hero’s Hold. If you like what you’re reading here, I’m happy to accept tips at: 0xf543311360d1072873D627B06ffe85587e8fc41a.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to me at MrZipper#7564 on Discord or @MrZipper7 on Twitter.

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely my own, and do not reflect those of the DeFi Kingdoms team. Nothing in this article constitutes financial advice, or should be taken as such.

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