The Hero’s Hold #2 — Nov. 22, 2021

7 min readNov 22, 2021


The Hero’s Hold — A DeFi Kingdoms Hero Report


Well met, adventurer — welcome to the Hero’s Hold! In this series, we track the summoning of new heroes in DeFi Kingdoms, with news, statistics, metrics, and more!

The snapshot for all of this week’s data was taken on 11/22 at 8am ET.

Welcome to the Hero’s Hold, adventurer!

In this Issue:

  • Heroic Happenings (News)
  • Deep Dive on DreadKnights
  • The Summoner’s Circle (Stats)
  • The Adventurer’s Guild (Wallets)

So, let’s dig in!

Heroic Happenings

This week, even though summoning slowed down in response to the increasing price of JEWEL, there was nevertheless quite a bit of notable news:

Over 40,000 Heroes Summoned

Just last week we introduced Hero #30,000, and now this week over 40,000 heroes have made their way from the Inner Grove!

Milestone Hero #40000 (EJG)

Give a warm welcome to Lághniso Hazehair (#40000) who was summoned on Saturday by user EJG!

Gen12 Teasers

DFK Game Mechanics Designer Hubert Cumberdale made a sneaky return to the Discord on Thursday night, with quite the tantalizing tidbit: it is currently possible to summon a Gen12 hero! While he didn’t reveal how to make this happen, he did add that the path to Gen12 begins all the way back in Gen2:

I know a gen12 isn’t out there yet, but you guys could find the path to it starting with gen2s.— Hubert Cumberdale

Perhaps this path is related to the DreadKnight, all of whom so far have 1/1 possible summons? Only time will tell.

Sales of the Week

It seems like every day we’re seeing big sales at the top of the market. Two massive purchases really stood out this week, however:

Shortly after last week’s issue was published, user nasgor swept the Mythic Gen0 Hero floor, picking up four heroes for the astounding combined total of 115,000 JEWEL! Congratulations to the sellers!

The four Mythic Gen0s purchased by nasgor

Then, that evening saw the largest single-hero purchase yet — user Lanaya bought Mythic Gen0 #1913 for a staggering 49,999 JEWEL — somewhere around $300,000 at the time, and nearly half a million dollars today!

Lee Tavner (#1913) purchased by Lanaya

Custom Promo Hero Sold

In less positive news, this week also saw the sale of Hero #15 on the open market. As many of you know, Heroes #1–19 were custom-designed and given out to the original DFK team members and contributors, with the understanding that they wouldn’t be sold for at least a year. Unfortunately, SirSapient nevertheless chose to sell his hero to Ansem of DFK DAO on Friday for 34,000 JEWEL.

Custom-designed promo Hero #15

This was clearly a difficult situation for the team, but — in this author’s opinion, anyway — it was handled with the transparency and care that we’ve come to expect. SirSapient is no longer associated with DFK in any capacity, and while the buyer declined an offer by the team to purchase back the hero, they agreed to the implementation of a one-year timelock on the sale of these heroes. This timelock is currently up for a governance vote by the DFK community, ending 11/22 at 2pm ET. With over 96% currently in favor, it is expected to pass easily, but you should still vote and make your voice heard!

Deep Dive on DreadKnights

Last week, we welcomed the first DreadKnights from the Inner Grove. Now that their numbers have grown fifteen-strong, let’s take a closer look at where they fit into the hero roster.

Gedil Tuskblossom #22807 (Lanaya)

As is well-known, DreadKnights are the only Exalted-class hero in the game right now, sitting at the very top of the hero summoning tree, brought forth from the combination of a Dragoon and a Sage.

To date, there have been 165 summons from this Dragoon/Sage combination, and only 15 of these have yielded DreadKnights. While these numbers are still preliminary since they’re so low, that puts the chances of summoning a DreadKnight between roughly 8–10% — quite a bit lower than other Advanced+ classes. (Note: I’ll be posting a detailed article this week about these numbers and Advanced Class Summoning.)

It should not surprise then, that DreadKnights would be extremely powerful — after all, what else would that giant sword be for? Consequently, DreadKnights follow similar patterns to their overall stats and stat growth that we’ve seen with Advanced and Elite classes. For overall stats, common DKs are summoned with 75 stat points (+2 for the green stat boost), compared to 70 for Elite classes. And similarly, their total stat growth value is 550, compared to 500 for Elites.

DreadKnight Stat Growth Values

Looking at how those stat growth values are distributed, we can see that the DreadKnight is an all-around beast, with top stats in Strength, Endurance, and Dexterity, and all other stats not far behind. For reference, another “all-around” hero — the monk — maxes its stat growth values at 60.

And since it’s on everybody’s minds right now, what does this mean for professions?

Updated Class/Profession Table (Credit: Dunsparrow)

Yep. The DreadKnight is tied for best miner (160), a great gardener (130), the best forager by far (140), and a respectable fisher (120) to boot. It’s clear that the DK will dominate not only on the battlefield, but in any work it puts its sword (or stamina) to!

The Summoner’s Circle

Let’s take a look at some statistics for all of the heroes that have been summoned so far!

Total Heroes: 41,580

Hero Growth

In response to the rising price of JEWEL, hero growth slowed significantly over the course of the week — however, that still means that there have been more than 1,000 new hero summons every day. Yet despite the slowdown, the total number of heroes nevertheless increased by 10,000 — over 30%!

Total Heroes (Weekly Change / % Change)

• Nov. 22: 41,580 (9,743 / 30.6%)
• Nov. 15: 31,837 (13,182 / 70.7%)
• Nov. 8: 18,655 (8,292 / 80.0%)
• Nov. 2: 10,431 ( — / — )

Hero Stat Breakdowns

By Generation
This week saw significant increases in the share of Gens 3–6 compared to last week. Notably, Gen3 heroes are now at 80% of the number of Gen1s, up from 68% last week. It won’t be long before they also flip Gen1s.

By Rarity & Class
Very few changes this week (and I don’t expect much change going forward) to rarity and class. However, the share of Advanced+ Heroes did increase a bit from 12.6% to 14.6% of the hero total.

The Adventurer’s Guild

Just as hero numbers have increased, so has user adoption! In this section, we can track heroes as they’re held in various Harmony wallets.

Total Hero Wallets: 7,367*

* There is a small hole in the API graph data that prevents viewing the owners for 23 heroes, so the numbers in this section do not include those heroes.

Hero Wallet Growth

Hero wallet growth continued this week, increasing by another 34.1%, even as the number of summons slowed down. While heroes aren’t exactly getting cheaper in dollar value, perhaps the lower hero prices in JEWEL were enticing newer players who previously didn’t have enough.

Total Hero Wallets (Weekly Change / % Change)
Nov. 22: 7,367 (1874 / 34.1%)
Nov. 15: 5,493 (2277 / 70.8%)
Nov. 7: 3,216 (993 / 44.7%) — Note: this snapshot was taken a day early
Nov. 1: 2,223 ( — / — )

Hero Wallet Stats

This week the average number of heroes held per wallet dropped slightly to 5.64, while the median wallet dropped from 3 to 2 heroes!

A few key metrics for hero distribution

The share of hero holdings by the Top 50 wallets also decreased by 6%, even as the number of heroes increased by 22.7%. Similarly, 34.5% of wallets now hold only one hero, a share that has grown by 5.4% in the past week. With 744 new wallets holding one hero, that means that nearly 40% of the new wallets this week fall into this category.

Whale Watch

Finally, let’s check in on our hero whales. There are two new names to this list, and the number of wallets with 100+ heroes has grown from 10 last week to 19 this week.

Account Name / Hero Count

  1. Veilvi / 379
  2. BiGsy / 293
  3. dirtydan / 189
  4. Dunsparrow / 162
  5. Pikul / 150
  6. Gilraen / 141
  7. holmes / 133
  8. Le Ogre / 131
  9. Wouter / 123
  10. DarkSaga / 120

Total held by Top 10: 1821 (+332 / +22.3%)

Thank you Hero Whales for your support of DeFi Kingdoms!

That’s it for today! Thanks for reading, and please subscribe and stick around for future editions of the Hero’s Hold. If you like what you’re reading here, I’m happy to accept tips at: 0xf543311360d1072873D627B06ffe85587e8fc41a.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to me at MrZipper#7564 on Discord or @MrZipper7 on Twitter.

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