Why Taylor Swift practices Witchcraft?

Neel Sethi | N⚡️S
10 min readNov 29, 2023


PLEASE SEE UPDATED BLOG : https://medium.com/@Neel_Sethi/taylor-swift-and-black-magic-6d0a399cc64e

FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT :https://www.allreligionsareone.org/Taylor%20Swift.html

See, I used to love Taylor Swift. I used to really look up to her. A sort of idol figure with confidence, beauty, power, influence and a “force for good”. I used to think she had this “perfect” life and was using music to channel her emotions and uplift the audience. I used to think that she was some kind of princess. I listened to her when I ran, at the gym, on the bus, and in the park. But recently I have felt something, I have discovered something…

See, this reality isn’t all that our 3D senses, including our eyes and ears, make it out to be. There is more than our primitive perception of this reality. Okay, so on the surface, the way Taylor Swift is portrayed is like some sort of princess. She is an IDOL figure. People literally worship her. They follow her and become “swifties”. Her music sure is enchanting. Her live performances sure are also enchanting. Her music videos are also enchanting. Like I was genuinely feeling good listening to her music. But there is something really sinister. Really dark. I am sure. I can feel it. I have seen evidence of it.

Taylor Swift practices witchcraft. It’s obvious. Of course, there are different types of magic. She partakes in black magic. The sacrificial type. Meaning then that she needs attention (energy) to be on her, and then what happens is that the audience, or whatever, is being sacrificed for her personal gain in power. But then, her personal gain in power suits a much larger agenda of the Illuminati/secret societies.

So then the question is, how does she practice witchcraft and satanic rituals? And what evidence do I have to support this? And why don’t people realise this and talk about this?

I am convinced that Taylor Swift is part of the Illuminati group. I am also convinced that she does actually have a lot of information and knowledge about this hidden Agenda and is really pushing it. I will have to explain it a bit so it makes sense. Okay, so dark entities created this matrix reality and control it. So the people who are “highest” in the hierarchal system, like the King and mega corporation owners and also supermodels/celebrities, are pushing forward the agenda. Also, religion pushes this forward, too, and the government and the education system, police and government agencies like MI6, etc. Basically, any system that imposes a control on someone’s free will imposes a control on someone’s energy and power. So Taylor Swift right now is one of the most popular singers of this time. Again, it makes a lot of sense why she is doing these tours, promoting her cinema shows, and now being promoted on Apple Music with this reward.

So, then, this reality is created entirely by our Mind. Our consciousness has taken the vehicle of our physical body, and we are plugged into this Matrix/Artificial reality (created by negative Entities called Archons to enslave the human soul to feed on negative energy to survive). So then, the Illuminati group create all these systems and wars and also endorses the celebrities and controls the Media, plus the Television (tell lie vision) to feed information to govern perception. That’s why people’s consciousness and understanding of life is shit, as they don’t know how this reality works because of the stupid information they have been given. So we have a celebrity figure with a lot of popularity called Taylor Swift. So she has a lot of influence. She then feeds the information to the public by expressing an image of herself that she wants the public to look up to. Why? Because if they place her on the pedestal, and now she is this figure of “perceived worth” then people want to become like her. So then this has then conditioned the perception of many Swifties to want to be like Taylor Swift. It’s also why many young people want to be influencers. This is the conditioning of what success, money, and fame look like, which is also completely material, deliberately. Its BS. But this also creates a very harsh resistant dynamic within the energy of the followers of Taylor Swift, who want to be like her. Because as long as they chase this sense of worthiness of wanting to be like her, they will always be running on unworthiness. But that’s the whole point. So, it manifests unworthiness. Let’s put it another way. We are all GOD or Source Energy; the problem with celebrities is that we look up to them and want to be like them. So then they take our attention and our “vision” of what we want to not actually embrace our authentic true self, but no, we want certain body types and look a certain way. All deriving from unworthiness and also creating separation as now perceived value doesn’t come from the fact that we are all consciousness and LOVE but now comes from how we look.


· In her concerts, people were reporting amnesia. From an outsider’s perspective, I haven’t gone to a concert, but from what I have seen, some parts look really dark. Sure, one could argue it is just entertainment, but the witchlike ceremony in a concert just doesn’t feel right for me.

· The Vogue interview of her house depicts many figures of black cats in her room. It really felt to me that she was literally summoning entities to help her not only create but also put spells on her music.

· Her Album “Folklore” has many references to “witches” or “hell”, and her song “Willow” actually depicts a witchcraft ceremony. It seems she has slowly been creeping the darker stuff into her music.

· Her song “Look What You Made Me Do” references that she basically killed the old Taylor Swift. My interpretation is that this talks about how she is now under the control and influence of Dark Entities/the global network. I do actually feel a sense of purity in her original songs. I don’t feel she was under the influence of these entities when she was young and starting out. But what I feel happened is that as her desire for fame and money and greed and narcissism grew (also based on her conditioning), then, at one point, the level of fame tipped over to where she then found that a lot of the people with the most “influence/control” want control because the dark entities want to control Earth and so influence these people higher up in the authoritative hierarchy. So, unfortunately, Taylor Swift was introduced and changed.

· Now, her Music Video “Karma” makes this all too obvious. At the start of the video it literally depicts her and all these dark entities. Of course, people could think that she is acting for fun, but no. There is an intention. I want to quote a paragraph from her song.

“ You’re talking shit for the hell of it.
Addicted to betrayal, but you’re relevant.
You’re terrified to look down.
’Cause if you dare, you’ll see the glare
Of everyone you burned just to get there
It’s coming back around.”

This implies sacrifice. She has literally sacrificed souls and people’s energy to get to where she is.

Then the line

“ I keep my side of the street clean
You wouldn’t know what I mean”

This implies, and as shown in the music video, that she is presented as this seductive, sexy, enchanting figure in the world, but most people cannot see underneath that. In the Music Video, she removes the mask and transitions from the dark entity depiction to this bright sky and clean, innocent depiction.

And another paragraph

“Ask me what I learned from all those years.
Ask me what I earned from all those tears.
Ask me why so many fade, but I’m still here
(I’m still, I’m still here)”

Again, this talks about sacrifice. She references people “fading”. I am not sure whether it means literally dying or sucking people’s energy, but it’s one of them.

Another paragraph says

“Sweet like justice, karma is a queen
Karma takes all my friends to the summit
Karma is the guy on the screen
Coming straight home to me”

In this paragraph, she refers to her friends who have undergone the same process. This is also obvious because due to the secret nature of black magic and its power, it is very plausible that the limited real friends that know her secret “i.e. other celebrities” are also at the “summit”, meaning at the top of the world/on TV. The line “coming straight home to me” is very selfish and highlights how she feels it is about her. But these dark entities are selfish. Of course, Taylor Swift is a human, but we have “good” and “bad” people. In spirituality, these “bad” people can be called “false-light, “ where they appear angelic, good, or positive but have hidden agendas.

Another point in the Karma video. Now, it is way too obvious for me. Okay, so these ropes are tying the Moon to the rings of Saturn. This is very, very specific. A lot of witches worship the moon. The moon is associated with dark energy but is also artificial and created long ago. But the Saturn-Moon Matrix is VERY VERY SPECIFIC. I feel like the moon is referred to as Earth’s moon. Saturn has a similar name to “satan” for a reason. Okay, so I don’t want to explain in detail, as people like David Icke really break this down. But the moon is hollow (science has proved this) and doesn’t “wobble” like other moons on its axis. It’s a “satellite”. It’s artificial. The moon also didn’t always exist. This is recorded in ancient texts. The rings of Saturn project something to the Earth’s moon. Then, the Earth’s moon projects frequency to the Earth to entrap humans. The moon’s energy is extremely dangerous and toxic. It’s also why, in Star Wars, there is the idea of a “death star”. Also, with Ice Spice, she just completely objectifies her body. She gets someone like Taylor Swift to endorse her and so then to change public perception into thinking that this sexualisation of body image is normal and this is what should happen. Yeah, Ice Spice feels way too alien for me. I feel it as a frequency.

· A lot of Taylor Swift’s songs depict heartbreak and these negative themes. Of course, she could say that it’s her venting her emotion or her “therapy”, but I believe it more to be perceptual programming. The music we listen to affects our subconscious Minds. Our perspective changes, and then this negatively affects our reality. If we listen to many songs about heartbreak due to the way this reality operates and the quantum physics that governs it, it is more likely that we will experience many heartbreaks. I believe her songs are programming our Minds intentionally. Literally, the question you have to ask yourself when you read the lyrics is, “If I am being programmed, would this have a positive or negative effect on the way I view life and thus experience it?”

· In one of Taylor Swift’s comments, which got deleted, she talked about how her New Era film was “casting spells”. Some of her other comments have also been related to witchcraft/ her audience being “witches”. Music is sound, and sound is frequency. Just as we can have energetically programmed positive audios, I believe the spells/curses used in Taylor Swift’s music, concerts, and films are very powerful. I believe that part of her spells is to get people to love her and to love the music. So they lose their sense of self to a “Swifty” and then follow her, giving up their free will and, in essence, an aspect of their soul to identify with Taylor Swift.

· To make matters worse, Taylor Swift’s latest album reinforces this idea of “Taylor’s version”. You could argue that she could just label the album with “Taylor’s Version” and not each individual song, but she labels all of it that. Why? So then think about the programming. You read the song and then see “Taylor’s version” at the end of the title. This reinforces to the subconscious Mind that Taylor Swift owns you — literally what it does. So then you are more influenced by what she says and does and more able to be programmed.

· Even the song “slut!” is smart, and she can argue how the media made her feel a set way… And that is what the audience is meant to believe the media to feel sorry for her and cherish her. But… the programming of the song is telling people to be sluts. Yeah… See, the media and Taylor Swift are on the same team. The media deliberately criticises Taylor Swift, and then the audience feels for Taylor Swift, and then she comes back with a statement in answer to the Media. But the Agenda is the same. Its deliberate Problem-solution response to create a gain in Taylor Swift’s popularity and influence. I question why so many people are in debt but would spend thousands for a Taylor Swift concert. Their perception has been modified to the extent that they are obsessed with her and lose themselves in the process. And then it becomes a trend, and for me to say something different and call Taylor Swift a Practitioner of Black Magic, I would be deemed “stupid”. People like Taylor Swift are where they are to cause the mass population to remain in a low frequency and unconscious suffering. She isn’t an angel.

So, I could write a lot about Taylor Swift. I feel sad writing this myself as I bought into her being beautiful. Her magic is very powerful, for sure. It’s almost impossible to see out of it. One needs a high enough consciousness to see through it, but most people will probably read this blog and think I am talking rubbish. And that’s okay. I am happy I made you feel. Just I want people to follow themselves. Don’t give themselves to anyone. Follow their own heart. That’s all. This planet will be a better place. We need people who are willing to stay stuff outside the convention. I am allowed to question the opposite of what the generalised agreed consensus is. Also, the reason why this view isn’t popular is because even if what I am saying is true, this view would be hidden or literally deleted. Many YouTube videos exposing these dark truths have literally been deleted. It’s becoming increasingly common. I also feel compassion for Taylor Swift as she is human too, and evil is also an expression of LOVE. I have also felt these dark entities, and they are terrifying, but to harness and use them on a global scale is not something I will experience and want to experience.



Neel Sethi | N⚡️S

Video blogs on Instagram: neel_sethiii ❤️ London/20 years old/ Healing