⚙️ Nervape Gear Outfit Contest Tutorial 📚🏆

5 min readJul 10, 2024


Our Nervape Gear Outfit Contest is Live! In this tutorial, we will show you how to participate for your chance to win special prizes!

Step 1 — Connect Your Wallet

Go to our official website https://www.nervape.com and click on the CONNECT button on the upper right. Connect the BTC wallet with your Nervape. Confirm and sign. Click the upper right button again, now displaying your BTC address, and click “My Nervape Assets.”

Step 2 — Dress Up Your Ape, Hold & Save

Follow the steps outlined in our Dress Up Your Ape Tutorial or watch the video above to dress up your ape with Gear you own based on the contest theme. You will need to hold this Gear for the duration of each theme until the theme winners are announced.

The first theme for our Nervape Gear Outfit Contest is Luxury Showdown! For this theme I decided to give my Nervape some faux fur and cash to flaunt (above).

After dressing up your Nervape be sure to click SAVE on the upper right of the screen. After signing your wallet, click the down arrow icon to download the image of the current Nervape or take a screenshot; you’ll need this image for the next step!

NOTE: With our preview feature you can totally try on Gear you don’t own, but you won’t be able to download or save. When try to, a window will pop up (see above) showing the unavailable Gear and links to buy them on Omiga or JoyID. If you like the look but don’t have the Gear, just follow the links to see if they’re on sale!

IPHONE USERS: When you download, it will save the Nervape image to your Downloads folder, not your Photos.


  1. During the contest period, participants must own and hold the Gear that they’re Nervape is wearing and Save their Nervape.
  2. Screenshots of Nervape swearing Gear that they do not own will be ineligible.

Step 3 — Tweet Your Outfit

Now that I have dripped out my Nervape, for me to submit to the contest I need make a tweet following these requirements:

  1. Follow and tag @Nervapes and @nervape_cn
  2. Use hashtags #nervapecommunity, #nervapegearoutfit, #nervape.

Pro tip: Add a brief description to increase your chances of winning (e.g. inspiration behind the look, Gear used, a short story about the Nervape, etc.)!

See the above screenshot as an example. After you post, be sure to copy the link to the tweet. You will need it for…

Step 4 — Share in Discord

Next you will need to go to our outfit-gear channel in our Discord. In order to access this channel, you first need the Nervape Holder role which you can receive by following the steps in our Nervape Holder Role Verification Tutorial.

Inside our outfit-gear channel please post:

  1. Link to your tweet.
  2. Your Nervape’s number. This number will be from #1 to #2777 and is listed just below your Nervape in our website wallet (see above).

If your Nervape has 4 Gear items equipped or more, you will automatically be entered into a drawing for our participation prize of 1,000 CKB. Drawing held at the end of each theme!

When you post the link to our channel, it should show an embed of your tweet with an image of your ape (above left).

Pro Tip: Some naughty (and nice) Nervapes, particularly apes that show a lot of skin, have been marked “inappropriate” by X (Twitter) and embeds will not display in Discord. In that case, it’s best to include a screenshot of your tweet to include in your Discord post (see above right image) to help with getting votes. =)

Step 5 — Vote!

After posting your Nervape to the Discord outfit-gear channel, cast the first vote by reacting to your post with the 🦍 emoji (it will show up as a gorilla face for desktop users). Also be sure to react to other awesome Nervapes that you want to vote for!

NOTE: We will only count each 🦍 emoji reaction as 1 vote (all other emojis will not be counted). Reminder: only Nervape Holders role members will be able to post and react with emojis.

The top 3 Nervape Holders with the most 🦍 emoji reactions to their post will receive special limited edition Nervape merch! All Nervape Holders with eligible submissions and equip 4 or more Gear items are automatically entered into the weekly lottery for 1,000 CKB!

Each theme will be announced every Wednesday for three weeks starting 11AM UTC+8, July 10th, 2024. Winners will be announced the day after the theme ends.

Special prizes for our winners!

For more details about prizes, deadlines, and rules, please go to our Nervape Gear Outfit Contest Event Page!

If you have any questions, please open a ticket in our Discord (link below)

Have fun dressing up your ape and best of luck!

Follow Nervape Studio here:

✦ Website https://www.nervape.com

🦧 Buy a Nervape: https://app.dobby.market

⚙️ Buy Nervape Gear on https://omiga.io & https://app.joy.id/market

❌ X (🐦 Twitter) https://twitter.com/Nervapes

🟪 Discord: https://discord.gg/nervape

🖼 ️Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nervapes/

📌 Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/nervape/

