🦍 Nervape Half Year Recap 2024! January to June — Nervape Mint, Collabs, and Much More. 🍌

11 min readJul 12, 2024


We’re back with our Nervape Recaps! This past Q1 and Q2 we were super busy with our Nervape launch, so we decided to condense our recaps into the half year recap below. Moving forward we will release mini, bi-weekly updates as well as longer, quarterly recaps, so look out for those!

Q1 2024 saw us prepare our Nervape collection leading to it’s successful launch in Q2! We also had a number of amazing collabs, Spaces, and much more. Let’s take a look at what we did these past 6 months and a sneak peek into what we have planned for the future.

JANUARY — A New Year and a New Outlook

  • 2023 Recap & 2024 Outlook + 2024 New Year Poster— We greeted the new year, reflecting on 2023 and looking forward to 2024 with a redesigned New Year Poster featuring Cookie, Dev, Kraft, Delphi, Rex and the rest of the Nervapes! The group gets ready for a photo in front of the Halve Ape Blast Canvas from our Halve Ape Blast Event! Read the 2023 Recap & 2024 Outlook here.
  • Our hearts go out to the people of Japan affected by the 2024 Noto Earthquake on New Year’s day. We created the above design to honor the heroic efforts of the rescue workers and relief teams. Be safe everyone!
  • Nervos Town Hall — On January 31st, Nervape joined other key teams in the Nervos Network in a 2024 Town Hall to share major accomplishments we’ve made this past year and exciting new announcements for 2024. Watch our founder Echo give a presentation starting at timestamp 37:31. We also made a blog version here.
Cookie and Chip share some wisdom in our Inspirational Apes series!
  • Inspirational Apes — Cookie and Chip make an appearance in our Inspirational Apes series to remind us to be grateful (see above)! Find our Inspirational Apes on our Discord, Pinterest, and Instagram!

FEBRUARY — Community News and Minting on Bitcoin!

  • This past February we wished everyone a Happy Lunar New Year! This year of the wood dragon we wish you success in your endeavors, happiness in your relationships, safety in your travels, and growth in your investments!
  • Nervape x BTC Cover Art — To celebrate our announcement that Nervape (fka NACP) is minting on Bitcoin, we made some new cover art!
  • Community News: We’ve added a Community News page to our website! Keep up to ape with the latest Nervape blogs, podcasts, community events, and artwork: https://www.nervape.com/community
  • Nervape Podcast EP09 — Neon.bit, the project lead for NFT Nation, joined host Rory, our Moderator, in this August 2023 AMA. Neon gives us insight into the origins of the NFT Nation marketplace and his belief in the Nervos ecosystem.

MARCH — 3D Collection Snapshot and Bonelist Airdrop!

  • 3D Collection Snapshot for a Bonelist!—On March 22nd, to show appreciation to the OGs who’ve been HODLing our 3D Nervapes, we took a snapshot of all the Nervape 3D collection holders wallets to earn a spot on our Nervape DOBs bonelist (aka whitelist)!
  • We updated our Nervape website! Learn about Nervape assets and more! BE YOURSELF, TRUST YOURSELF, CREATE YOURSELF…with Nervape, multi-chain digital objects built on Bitcoin.
  • March Ape AMA — we clarified some questions to help ease the FOMO that had been surrounding Nervapes release. Also, we chatted with our Mod Rory and former Mod Telmo.
  • FAN ART: NASaber, with the help of Suno AI, created an epic Nervape music video: Journey to the Third Continent (see above).

APRIL — NERVAPE MINT is Finally Here!

  • Hong Kong Web3 Festival — The Nervape Studio team was in Hong Kong April 6th (Sat) — April 9th (Tue) for the Hong Kong Web3 Festival (https://en.web3festival.org)! Many visitors complimented our products and the look and design of our booth (see above).
  • 2024 Hualien City Earthquake — We wish those affected by the Hualien City Earthquake in Taiwan much safety and strength. We made the above design to commend the rescue workers in Taiwan for their courageous work to save lives.
  • 20K Followers: We reached over 20,000 followers on X in April, blowing past our 10K mark just weeks earlier.
  • April 26th, 2024 — Bonelist Mint Goes Live! It then ended in 24 hours. The mint goes relatively smoothly due to the extra hard work and hours put in by the team.
  • April 30th, 2024 — NERVAPES PUBLIC MINT SELLS OUT IN 6 MINUTES!Thank you again to all the Nervape supporters, OGs, newbies, and everyone in between who made this mint a resounding success. We’re on our way to the Third Continent!
  • FAN ART: NASaber + Suno returns with another banger, this time in Mandarin: “寻找第三大陆” (In Search of the Third Continent). See the music video above!l

MAY — Nervapes on Dobby Market and Collab with WORLD3

  • May 2nd, 2024 — All Nervapes have been distributed and the secondary market for Nervapes, Dobby Market, is now live!
  • Revamped Website: On https://nervape.com we introduced our gallery view where you can see all the Nervapes in the collection, from 1 to 2777 and more features!
  • Nervape Mandarin X Account: We now have an X account for Chinese-language posts! Follow here (神經猿中文的Twitter): https://x.com/nervape_cn

JUNE — Nervape Gear Drops and WL Collabs for Holders!

  • Nervape Gear Drop Snapshot was Wed, June 5th, 10AM UTC+8. Prior to the drop we showcased cool Gear GIFs. Nervape Gear Drops Round 1 and Round 2 finished and the gear items were distributed to all Nervape Holders. Gear is available for sale on Omiga and JoyID Market.
Upper Boy Nervape Gear
  • June holidays and celebrations (from left to right):

a. June — Happy Pride Month! Love is love!

b. June 10 — We made a Dragon Boat Festival Nervape!

c. June 16 — Happy Father’s Day!

  • FAN ART: Here’s some amazing art from our community this past June! The Nervape fam got some talent!

There you have it! The past six months of Nervape Studio in one blog! 📰

Upcoming Developments: Looking forward to the second half of 2024, we have some exciting developments to share.

  1. Nervape Bundle: Nervape holders will soon be able to combine their Nervape with their Gear on-chain and then sell it as a bundle.
  2. Nervape Artifacts: Physical Nervape figures and toys are coming soon!
  3. Co-Creation Platform: We will be launching a platform for independent creators to design their own Nervape Gear.

This is only the start. Thank you so much for reading!

Follow Nervape Studio here:

✦ Website https://www.nervape.com

🦧 Buy a Nervape: https://app.dobby.market

⚙️ Buy Nervape Gear on https://omiga.io & https://app.joy.id/market

❌ X (🐦 Twitter) https://twitter.com/Nervapes

🟪 Discord: https://discord.gg/nervape

🖼 ️Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nervapes/

📌 Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/nervape/

