Only 19 More Days Left - Is that Enough for O’Malley?

Nick Kelly
4 min readDec 20, 2015


You bet it is. Click the pic to see the Iowa Team getting out the O’Malley supporters to the caucus.

NEWSFLASH to everyone saying that Martin O’Malley is polling in the low single digits. The Public Policy Polling national poll taken December 16–17 (before the third debate) shows Martin O’Malley has the support of 9% (nine percent) of usual Democratic primary voters. His support is growing.

This is better than John Kerry was doing when he overtook Howard Dean in Iowa in 2004, and Kerry only had 16 days to do that. O’Malley still has 19 days left to increase his support before the 2016 Iowa caucuses. And, mostly because of the limited debate schedule, 54% of those polled still don’t know enough about O’Malley to have an impression one way or the other.

Now is the time to join our campaign.

←Watch what Martin O’Malley had to say on the morning after the debate.

And you can learn a lot about him by following the links in this article: “The Force of Higher Purpose”

So, what are some of the comments coming from people who watched the latest Saturday night debate?

“I am an undecided voter (Democrat). But, you did a great job in the debate!” ~ PWD

“I think we need a twenty first century leader who actually understands technology because he grew up with it. I will vote for O’Malley….Although I love Bernie for his conviction and Hillary for her service and willingness to take on the fight, I want the new leadership O’Malley brings.” ~ KM

“Lifelong Libertarian, but I was set to vote for Bernie Sanders this election. After last night, I’m strongly considering a change to Martin O’Malley.” ~ VC

“I didn’t even know who you were before the debate tonight and I honestly hate how you got covered up in the media…. Watching the debate tonight honestly made me see that you were the obvious choice and I hope the rest of the Democratic party/America realizes this as well!” ~ BM

“… I was feeling very pro Bernie, until tonight, when something about Martin had me heading to his website, and made me realise that here is man who says he will do something and actually goes and does it….. A rare thing in the world of politics! My allegiance with Bernie has faltered (I thought he was going to go into cardiac arrest tonight, he was so wound up and red-faced), and Hilary is just never going to be an option for me…. I am hoping that the #MartinOMalley poll numbers go up because the nation needs to see what a great candidate he is…” ~ LB

“My friends and I are Bernie supporters but we all agreed Martin O’Malley was not treated fairly on The Hillary Clinton Show….er…I mean the Democratic Debate. He was able to give solid examples of his achievements and gained our respect when allowed to speak….” ~ SW

“…I don’t think O’Malley could have had a better night. I don’t agree with everything he said, but his passion, his intelligence, and even the aura he gives off shows me that he is the most presidential of the three candidates up there by a wide margin.” ~ KK

“I am a Bernie supporter, but the more I see you the more I like. Disappointed with the lack of media both you and Sanders get and how little time you got in the debate.” ~ JM

“Great job tonight, Governor. The moderators were trying to marginalize you to make it the Bernie and Hillary Show…. your points on gun control, the student loan debt crisis and raising wages for the middle class were exactly what younger progressives like myself want to hear….Again, great job, and I hope you can come from behind and win the nomination.” ~ JF

“I really hope that #MartinOMalley’s poll numbers go up so I can justify voting for him in the primary. However, if they don’t, I have to help Bernie get the nominee!!! That being said, O’Malley is my favorite candidate across the country and would love for him to be in the Oval Office….” ~ TE

“I was highly impressed with Martin O’Malley last night. I saw a candidate who could defeat any Republican and win swing votes. i have been a Bernie Sanders supporter since day one because I believe in his ideas, but last night he missed a few marks and I felt like he was pandering for the first to what people want to hear rather than to what is right. I think Hillary Clinton is too caustic and last night she even got me upset. She tries hard to be a uniter within the Party but she exposed some truths last night that are hard to forgive.” ~ KEH

“If I didn’t #feelthebern you would have my vote. I agree with a lot of people here that you would make a great president and think you should not be discouraged.” ~ EE

“Bottom line, I didn’t know who Martin O’malley was. Now I do, and I like him. I’m still voting Bernie, but would be quite happy with O’malley as VP. Intelligent, articulate and on the right side of the issues, most importantly climate change. Secretary of energy? O’malley is a good man. Stick around, I’m certain you’re going to help serve America very well.” ~ AA

“@MartinOMalley I am a Bernie supporter but I have to admit you smashed the “spouse question.” Made me respect you a lot. Nicely done A+” ~ ST

‘“___ ___ ___ I’m a Bernie supporter but I really like Martin O’Malley.”
Gee thanks, but OM actually needs votes and real support. And no, he doesn’t need to withdraw and endorse Bernie.
#keepfighting’ ~ SH

You bet, SH. Martin O’Malley’s support is on the rise, and he has ‘only just begun to fight’. We really like him for that, as well as a whole lot of other good things.

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