Announcing OrchestrumOS — An Interoperable, Total Chain OS

Team OrchestrumOS
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2018

Today is an exciting day.

We have been working on the product conceptualization of OrchestrumOS in stealth mode for a couple of months now with our advisory board.

At it’s core, OrchestrumOS is the first “operating system” that connects decentralized applications of various smart contract infrastructures through an approach focused on interoperability.

Through an API-like abstraction layer for interblockchain communications, decentralized applications (dApps) built on our platform gain new interoperability capabilities; promoting their data, assets and functions from merely serving one particular smart contract ecosystem to the larger, universal ecosystem of all smart contract capable platforms.

Until 2017, all decentralized applications were being built on Ethereum, as the only smart contract infrastructure that was available at the time.

Currently, the smart contract infrastructure ecosystem is rapidly expanding, giving more options to decentralized applications that seek varied use cases and requirements.

This expansion in smart contract infrastructures also brings with it greater communication problems between platforms.

Without interoperability, decentralized applications are left on their own isolated island with little or no way to communicate with the other decentralized applications on different islands.

A vast ocean separates these islands today.

For decentralized applications to rapidly advance in their reach, utility and ease of use, and for blockchain ecosystem to give rise to better use cases, interoperability is a deep necessity.

By enabling the right intercommunication at the platform level, we can create technologically interconnected economies between smart contract ecosystems, but more importantly, solutions that are developed in one smart contract infrastructure can become portable, and of benefit to all users and applications.

OrchestrumOS envisions a Pan-Ocean-like universal reach among smart contract infrastructures.

Where fiber connections are laid across the ocean floor, and no matter where on the planet someone lives, or what the particular specification of the local telecom system, a grandchild can pick up the phone, dial, and hear a song from her grandmother, and all the world’s vast complexity between them fall aside and go silent.

For decentralized applications not to be left alone in their isolated islands, blockchain ecosystem needs these communication channels to be built.

But most importantly we need to approach these interconnections in ways that are convenient both for dApps and end users.

As of now interoperability approaches are being directed towards developing intermediary chains.

While the intermediary chains approach creates solutions for the base intercommunication layers, for non-technical end users like businesses and personal users who want to easily, rapidly build dApps for daily solutions, intermediary chains are cumbersome and unlikely to lead to rapid adoption.

OrchestrumOS aims to interconnect the technological innovations of the blockchain industry, and to rapidly turn those innovations into real world use cases that can make an immediate impact, eliminating the technical barriers detrimental to mass adoption.

Everyday users need a simple and easy platform to rapidly adopt the daily innovations the ecosystem provides.

OrchestrumOS focuses on the end user, to reveal the possibilities and hide the complexities.

Our core product and complementary components target:

  • Businesses
  • Personal users
  • Developers
  • Decentralized applications
  • and Entrepreneurs

In forthcoming articles, we will focus on user experience and the visual presentations of OrchestrumOS, to give an intuitive sense on how easy it will become for anyone to build and operate decentralized applications that are fully interoperable and integrated with other decentralized solutions, regardless of the smart contract infrastructures these solutions are built on.

Our governance model will be one that empowers our community, our users, our builders, that aims to eliminate centralized control as a founding principle.

Every instrument needs a maker, however, once the maker has done his/her job, he/she needs to step aside, and let the instrument reach it’s own destination.

Those new destinations will bring in the new people who will give life to the music, and when the music gets played together it will turn into a true Orchestra.

And then that music you hear becomes a beautiful infinite vibration, which will echo in the chambers of the separate decentralized ecosystems of the world, and unite all that is to change the world.

As Nietzsche said; “Without music, life would be a mistake”.

Subcribe to our channels for the next updates covering OrchestrumOS’ platform, decentralized formation, and other important announcements;





