8 min readAug 26, 2018

Particl Platform: The intrinsic value of the blockchain

A Privacy coin in the heart of a decentralized market without intermediaries

The Particl project focuses on security by allowing to coldstake on ledger, becoming the first PoS blockchain 100% secure, and on transparency by publishing their accounts quarterly on and through the MME which is the same law firm that’s been legally advising the Ethereum Foundation since its inception.

The Particl platform has a unique and revolutionary utility and the use of this platform has an intrinsic relationship with the value of the coin because the more the platform is used, the more there will be demand for the coin as well as a contraction of the offer thanks to the MADescrows (Mutual Assured Destruction escrows).

The first Dapp of this platform is a decentralized market (eBay-like) without middlemen between the buyer and the seller (except for the post office 😅) thanks to the main smart contract: a MADescrow / Double deposit mechanism.

The devs are currently working on an auto-governance system for the Marketplace before going on mainnet, therefore the listings will not look like Silk Road and the community itself will be able to vote on what will or will not be accepted on this market.

Nevertheless, there will be private listings that will only be visible by those who have the private key of these listings.

They will also integrate on the beta a private messaging system (SMSG) to communicate between buyer and seller which is already available on the CLI (command-line interface).

The main development axes of this Dapp which is already on testnet are first of all to allow the coiners to be able to spend their coins in total anonymity, swapping them in a decentralized way against the PART token, thanks to the atomic swap or to the integration of changelly on the Particl desktop client. Therefore, they won’t need to return back to fiat currencies: the Particl Marketplace allowing them to keep all their sales profits for themselves and making them save up to 30% or more over traditional eCommerce platform.

On the other hand, websites such as will offer Particl a web interface but also a MADescrow in fiat by supporting the volatility of the token and consequently allowing big companies to make huge competitive gains, but also vendors to import their listings from Amazon and making them save more than 30% on their listing fees.

More about

On midterm, we can expect Particl to takeoff in regions of the world where people have no bank account, huge inflation rates, huge taxes, but a mobile phone where they can stake and trade with the Particl Marketplace app.

On very long term we can also consider that countries could use Particl because of the MADescrow due to the fact it will guarantee both party honesty but also because of its scalability or its privacy which will allow them to avoid the monopoly of the dollar on international trades.

Indeed, if someone buys or sells an item using bitcoin the transaction will be traceable, and if this item is never delivered to the buyer he will have no means of pressure on the seller or will need to use a trusted party while Particl solves these problems.

All the development axes of this first Dapp will increase exponentially the demand for the token, and as everytime a transaction is done it will create a MADescrow the coins will be put on an address and will stay there until both parties find a good compromise to their deal. So the more transactions there will be, the more it will reduce the amount of available coins thanks to the MADescrows and the more it will be interesting for the stakers to hold because it will also increase their staking bonuses: This is the virtuous circle which should push the price up by decreasing the offer as much as the demand will increase as soon as the mainnet product is released.

Regarding the technical details:

The PART token is focused on anonymity (CT + RingCT) and scalability (Segwit + LN) on a Proof of Stake Blockchain (the coins are created with the coins already owned by the stakers and not with the computing power of a graphics card) and is compatible with the atomic swap.

The blockchain has been created and has been updated continuously on the latest bitcoin codebase to give PART the same scalability and compatibility than Bitcoin.

It means that Particl already has Segwit and will integrate the lightning network soon after bitcoin.


PART has CT (confidential transactions) on mainnet that makes the coins invisible on the blockchain and hides the amount sent as well as RingCT on testnet where all transactions are anonymous by hiding not only the amount but also the sender and the recipient address. Monero is the first blockchain to have integrated this technology nevertheless monero is built on cryptonote which means that monero will have compatibility issues making complicated its integration and its capacity to dispose of the latest technologies such as the atomic swap or the Lightning Network and will have sooner or later scalability issues unlike Particl which has Segwit, the atomic swap and is ready to integrate the Lightning Network shortly after bitcoin.

Moreover, as RingCT mixes all the transactions of the block the more the blockchain has use cases (as a decentralized market in this case) and is scalable and the more the coins that have RingCT become anonymous. So, in the long run, Particl will probably be the coin that will have the best anon tech.

The Particl Ringct was audited by a professor from the University of New Jersey Institute of Technology ( Professor Qiang Tang ) who submitted his report after 6 months of study as well as WSA ( wesecureapp ) and RingCT is now ready to be integrated on mainnet.

The integration of RingCT and governance on mainnet will require a hardfork and developers have planned to combine the two into one that should take place later this year.

Particl is also developing a partnership with Pivx on a promotional but also technical level: Particl is going to be used on the Pivx decentralized exchange (ZDEX) and the Pivx token will be able to be swapped against PART in the Particl Marketplace to buy goods and services. Moreover, Particl intends to work with Pivx after the integration of BulletProofCT on RingCT to combine their anonymity technologies (RingCT + zero protocol) which will aims at creating the ultimate Privacy technology.


Governance concerns both the governance of the project by the community who will be able to vote and take part in the major decisions of the project in proportion to their coins as well as the governance of the listings.

More about the governance


The supply (total amount of coins) is about 9millions coins with 4% inflation created by the stakers (if 50% of the network stake, the stakers will receive 8% annual rewards therefore 4% above the inflation)

Inflation decreases by 1% each year until it reaches 2%, which will contribute to the price increase on the long term.

The stakers will receive the listing fees and the transaction fees from the marketplace so the more the market will be active the more their staking will be interesting and this bonus will be added to the inflation they are creating through their staking which will increase the intrinsic value of the coin in proportion to the market activity.

To be eligible for staking, just download the client (Windows / MacOS / Linux / Raspberry) put your PARTs in the wallet and let your computer online.

More about staking

Nevertheless, there is a better solution that allows you to stake and to keep your wallet holding funds offline and secure: The Coldstaking.


Particl is the project that invented coldstaking by smartcontract and delegation of staking power in 2017, making blockchain quantum resistant and more secure than any other blockchain in proof of stake; It means that one can stake and spend his interests without the need to use or expose the private key of his capital which remains offline.

Tutorial for coldstaking

Video tutorial for coldstaking

Tutorial for coldstaking on ledger

Video tutorial for coldstaking on ledger

Tutorial for coldstakingpools and coldstakingpools on ledger


There will be a second fundraising after the mainnet release where the 1million particl that has been locked by the foundation will be sold to private investors.


During this period of bearmarket where we often wonder about the real value of our coins I think that whatever the short-term speculative price, the PART token has a huge intrinsic value that will be revealed as the project takes marketshares. The capitalizations have been distributed on the hype and irrationally late 2017 but when investors will start to invest in an intelligent way in this sector I do not think that a project such as Particl whose github is ranked 6th ahead of bitcoin and ethereum on Darpal for the month of June or 15th on can remain ignored for a long time on the short-term or cannot reach the top10 in less than a year or two.



Here is the first community update.

For the following, keep you updated on

Particl Genesis Anniversary Blogpost

About me:: I am a crypto enthusiast since 2015 and a community member excited about the Particl Project since its inception because I see in the blockchain the ability for people to be free from every centralized entities. Moreover I think a crypto agnostic and private platform based on MADescrow would have been the ultimate dream of Satoshi Nakamoto.

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