Dr Sian Proctor
Dr Sian Proctor visits African nations as U.S. Science Envoy for Space
TripAdvisor’s first-ever review of Space is pure Poetry
An Astronaut discovers ‘EarthLight’ (July 2024 book launch)
Dr Sian Proctor brings Earthlight back to Earth
Dr Sian Proctor’s Art to fly on Axiom Space’ debut “Space Grails” collection
Godmother of Quark Expeditions’ Antarctic expedition ship Ultramarine
Dr Sian Proctor, Hero of Education
Dr Sian Proctor debuts Space2Inspire
Dr. Sian Proctor: The Afrofuturist Artist and Astronaut
The First Female Commercial Astronaut Spaceship Pilot is also a Poet
Dr. Sian Proctor visits African nations as U.S. Science Envoy for Space
Recognizing the First Artist selected to be an Astronaut
Earthlight and the Overview Effect
Paul Menta
It’s 5 o’Clock in Key West, Jimmy Buffett
Keep The Parade Going: A Key West Tribute To Jimmy Buffett
Dear Facebook AI, You Have Me Confused With Gordon Ramsay!
Eiman Jahangir
Sara Sabry
Mike Mongo
Loretta Whitesides
Yuri’s Night–Party like an Astronaut
Yuri’s Night Space Coast…Returns!
Nakamingos delivers the Largest Ethscriptions Art Airdrop Ever
TRU5T Ambassadors Kid Astronaut Program
Kids in Space: Announcing TRU5T Ambassadors Kid Astronaut Corp
My Conversation with Sherlock Holmes (An Instruction Manual for Talking with AI)
(An Instruction Manual for Talking with AI)
Groundbreaking Book Co-Authored by Human and AI Chatbot Challenges Literary and Legal Boundaries
Groundbreaking New Book Makes AI Author a Legal Owner
Cosmic Paws NFTs Remember Dogs in Space as Collectible Canine Heroes
The Greatest NFT Generator on Earth (and Beyond!)
Cosmic Paws’ Muttniks NFT Roadmap 2.0: Zvezdochka aka “Star”