Seeking the Sage’s Wisdom

Part 1-Ch 10-Abalon Rising: The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis — Quest for Balance

Elara Seeks the Help of the Wizard of All-Knowing

Patrick OConnell


pic of The Wizard of All-Knowing

AI image of The Wizard of Alll Knowing created by the author- using

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In the heart of Abalon, where the secrets of magick and destiny intertwined like ancient vines, Elara’s journey took a new turn — one that led her in search of the elusive Wizard of All-Knowing.

The arrival of the Immortals had breathed fresh life into Abalon, yet it had also cast a shadow of impending darkness. Elara knew that the fate of her kingdom, and the very character of its existence, hung in a precarious balance. The answers she sought lay in the hands of a figure whispered about in tales and legends, a character steeped in mystery.

The Wizard of All-Knowing — An Enigma

The Wizard of All-Knowing, a name that had been passed down through generations, was said to possess a knowledge that spanned the breadth of time. His character was an enigma, his wisdom fabled to be as boundless as the night sky. And so, Elara’s quest led her through enchanted forests, across mystical rivers, and over towering mountains, as she followed the faint whispers of those who had crossed paths with this mythical sage.

AI image of Elara

AI image of Elara- a sorceress in the magickal kingdom of Abalon- created by the author — using

Elara’s character, honed through countless trials and challenges, had grown into one of unwavering determination and resilience. It was a reflection of her commitment to Abalon and her unyielding resolve to protect its magickal harmony.

Elara Arrives at the Hidden Grove — the Dwelling of the Wizard of All-Knowing

Finally, she arrived at the hidden grove — an ancient sanctuary where a gnarled tree, as old as the world itself, stood as a sentinel. It was said that within this grove, the Wizard of All-Knowing dwelled, a guardian of the deepest secrets and a keeper of the most profound wisdom.

With bated breath and a heart filled with anticipation, Elara approached the tree, her voice trembling as she uttered the incantation that would summon the elusive wizard. The very character of the grove seemed to shift, as if acknowledging her presence with a crackle of ancient magick.

The Wizard Emerges — to Meet with Elara

From the depths of the shadows, a figure emerged, draped in robes as ancient as time itself. The wizard’s eyes, deep and ageless, locked onto Elara’s with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. His character exuded the weight of centuries, an aura of unparalleled wisdom.

pic of the rural landscape of the kingdom of Abalon

AI image of the rural landscape within the kingdom of Abalon- ceated by the author- using

Elara spoke of the Immortals and the looming darkness, laying bare her journey, her character growth, and her unshakable devotion to preserving Abalon’s mystical balance. The wizard listened in silence, his character a profound embodiment of timeless knowledge.

With a voice as deep as the ocean’s depths, the wizard unraveled the threads of fate, revealing prophecies etched in the very stars. His words were a revelation, a testament to the character depth that had guided Elara’s path.

The Wizard’s Guidance to Elara

He offered guidance, a path forward through the encroaching shadows. He spoke of challenges yet to be faced, sacrifices that would test her character to its limits. But he also ignited a spark of hope, a belief in the resilience of Abalon and the unity of its people.

As their conversation drew to a close, Elara left the sacred grove with a newfound sense of purpose. Her character, once shaped by trials and reflection, was now infused with the wisdom of the ages. The shadows of impending conflict still loomed, but she was armed with the insights of the Wizard of All-Knowing, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Don’t miss the next installment — as this enchanting story continues to weave its enchanting tapestry, beckoning you further into the captivating world of Abalon, where the pursuit of knowledge and the journey of self-discovery are intertwined with the very fabric of destiny!


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This story and the characters are fictitious. However, certain locations, and events that occurred in the past or present, such as wars, other conflicts, various interactions among nations or societies, economic and geopolitical events, long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the characters involved are wholly imaginary.

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Thank you for reading!

I would like to recognize the work of these incredible writers,

K. Joseph and Epic Dreamweaver

whose writing is over the moon — please read them when you can:

My thanks to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz for publishing my article in his stellar Lampshade of Illumination publication!

Link to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz:

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Something to uplift your spirit:

I am here for you! Please listen 2 the 2 songs I created 2 lift YOUR spirit & also let me know your choice of song titles you would like me 2 create 4 you:

Elara’s Song — “Love’s Gentle Refrain”:


The Fellowship of Dreams (TFOD) — The Theme Song of TFOD — aka “Love’s Gentle Refrain”:

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Have you followed Aleph and Omega — The protagonists in my short story fictional series “The Fellowship of Dreams”?

Don’t miss the latest chapter (written in the style of #Tom Clancy):

The latest chapter –

Located at Lampshade of Illumination — is here:

Shadows of Betrayal in the Aegean Paradise -Part 22

Aleph and Omega Go to Santorini, Greece -

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But wait — there’s more: Don’t Miss:

Don’t miss the latest chapter of my novel — that I have serialized in Lampshade of Illumination (a Medium Publication), “Abalon Rising — The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis — The Quest for Balance” -

My latest installment:

Abalon Rising-The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis -Quest for Balance -Part 1 — Ch 9

Chapter 9 — Weighing the Burden of Destiny

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And Last — But Not Least- Don’t miss the latest installment of my fantasy fiction series:

“The Soto Voce Resitance Movement — A Clear and Present Danger to the Status Quo?”

My latest installment:


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Get free blogging tips & ideas -NOW:

ALSO — You may find some ideas for a blog post in any of the PDF files at the following URL — An archive of copies of a ‘zine that my wife, Joan and I published from 1977–1984. Unfortunately, upon her death in August 1984, I had to discontinue publication of this quarterly publication:

Detailed info on the ‘zine and my late wife- is here — though it does not mention that she was a published author during her life journey on our beloved planet:



Patrick OConnell

I embrace only AuthenticEngagement! - Writer4Reciprocal&FollwerBoosterHub-Editor4ILLUMINATION Pubs-Top Writer in Ideas! My Portfolio: