Answering the job interview question: “Tell me about yourself.”

3 min readJul 16, 2022


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The “Tell me about yourself” question is the most important question you’ll need to prepare for because it‘s the first question of the interview and sets the stage for the rest of the interview. If you answer this question well, you greatly increase your chances of getting hired, especially since a study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology suggests that approximately 35% of interviewers decided whether to hire an interviewee within five minutes of the interview.

Variations of this question

“How would you describe yourself?” · “Tell me about your work experience.” · “Please take a moment to walk me through your resume.” · “Tell me about your background.”

What the hiring manager is looking for

The hiring manager uses this question to see if you can do the job they are trying to fill. Right from the beginning, you need to show them you have done the job, or at least parts of the job, in the past and are capable of performing the job in the future.

What your goal should be

Every part of your answer should give the hiring manager reassurance that you would be an excellent fit for this role. If any part of your answer doesn’t speak to your ability to do the job, get rid of it.

Preparing for this question

Start by reading the job description and choosing the top three characteristics the hiring manager is looking for.

Answer Structure

Your answer should be no longer than 2 minutes, should speak to the characteristics you’ve chosen from the job description, and observe the following structure.

  1. Share your current role and company you are working for and your responsibilities. Make sure you emphasize responsibilities that will align with the top three characteristics you found in the job description.
  2. Describe past experiences and proven successes that directly relate to the top three characteristics of the job.
  3. Explain why you are here — mention the job you’re applying to, why you’re interested in it and why you are you are qualified for it.
  4. Lastly, list a few hobbies that relate to the job you are applying to.

Extra tips

  • Be positive, enthusiastic and confident in your abilities.
  • Do not memorize your answer, memorize the main points of your answer.
  • Do not summarize your resume.
  • Do not share where and how you were raised.
  • Do not disclose personal information such as your race, age, religion, sex, and marital status.
  • Do not talk negatively about anyone, especially past employers.
  • Say “I” and not “we”. The recruiter is only interested in what you can do.

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