Answering the job interview question: “What are your strengths?”

3 min readJul 16, 2022


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Answering the “What are your strengths?” question effectively is one of the best ways to stand out during your interview. To nail this question, you have to recognize this question isn’t about you. The hiring manager is not a counselor and isn’t interested in discovering who you “really are.” They are just trying to fill their position. This question would better be written as, “What are the top 2–3 qualities that you are strong in and would make you successful in this position?” Answering this question instead will make you much more likely to get the job. Let’s dive into the details.

Variations of this question

“What is your greatest strength?” · “What are your three greatest strengths?” · “Why should we hire you?” · “What do you bring to this position that others don’t?” · “What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?”

What the hiring manager is looking for

The hiring manager is looking for someone to do a very specific job. The strongest applicant will be the one who will have the most important qualities the hiring manager is looking for.

What your goal should be

Your goal is to give the recruiter confidence you have the ability to do the job well. This means the strengths you choose to highlight should relate to the position you are interviewing for.

Preparing for this question

Start by reading the job description and choosing the top five qualities the hiring manager is looking for. Of those, you should be able to pick 2–3 qualities you are strong in and have experience with. After you pick the strengths, follow the below structure to create a solid answer.

Answer Structure

Your answer should be no longer than 2 minutes and cover the following pieces:

  1. Start by listing the strength or qualities.

    Example: “First, I am an experienced sales professional.”
  2. Next, give two to three supportive comments or bits of data about your strength. Spend about 30 seconds on this part.

    Example: “I have seven years of experience working for two different startups. At each company, I have established myself as one of the top sales reps and have won multiple awards.”
  3. Rinse and repeat for your other strengths, but remember to only list 3 max so you don’t risk the chance of boring the recruiter. Remember, keep your entire answer to 2 minutes.

    Example: “Second, I am an excellent communicator. I am known for the presentations I put together and many of my colleagues ask me to help them on their decks. In my current role, I worked closely with marketing to improve all of our company sales materials. Lastly, I am proficient in SalesForce. I took a SalesForce training class, am fully certified and am currently the admin for all of our sales team.”

Extra tips

  • Have a S-T-A-R story for each of your strengths ready in case the interviewer asks you to expound.
  • Don’t be modest. It can be difficult to talk about how awesome you are, but the best way to approach this is to state descriptive facts and evidence of your strengths. After all, it’s not bragging if it’s true! :)
  • Don’t be cocky. Don’t use superlative phrases like, “I’m the best.” Instead, as mentioned previously, just state the facts — “I have been the number one sales rep the past 5 months in a row.”
  • Check out a related article: Answering the job interview question: “What are your weaknesses?”

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