Answering the Job Interview Question: “Where do you see yourself in five (or ten) years.”

4 min readJul 16, 2022


At times hiring managers may ask you where you see yourself in five or ten years. This can seem like a daunting question, especially if you are still unsure about your current career choice. Or you may have the opposite problem, where you are certain about where you want to go and are just trying to find the right stepping stones to get there. This question should be taken with caution though because sounding too certain or uncertain can cost you the job.

Variations of this question

“Where do you see yourself in ten years?” · “What are your goals for the next five (or ten) years?” · “What are your short-term (long-term) career goals?”

What the hiring manager is looking for

The hiring manager asks this question mainly to figure out how long you will be with the company and how dedicated you will be to the position. It costs lots of money and time to hire a person, so if they see any sign that this is a temporary position for you or that you will be using this role as a stepping stone to another position at the company they will not be extending an offer.

What your goal should be

Your goal is to give the hiring manager confidence you will still be with the company five years from now and that you will be fully dedicated to the role while you are there.

Preparing for this question

Learn what the normal career path for the job you are interviewing for is and if possible speak with people at the company who have traveled through this path. Make note of the different positions along this path and their required knowledge, skills and abilities.

Answer Structure

Your answer should be no longer than 2 minutes and should contain the following elements:

  1. Start by explaining your enthusiasm for the job you are interviewing for and your intention of doing really well in the position. This should take no longer than 30–45 seconds.

    Example: “I’m really excited to be an assistant brand manager at this company. My focus, for now, is to learn as much as I can about managing a brand and become an expert in this field. I’m interested specifically on how to develop brand strategies. I did a lot of this at my previous job, but I understand that your company is a leader in this space and many people have told me how the manager I would be reporting to is one of the best. Also, I am quite passionate about the product and brand I’ll be working on and am excited to market an online brand, which is slightly different than the brands I’ve been marketing.”
  2. Next, talk about your interest in the immediate next step in this career path. In a general manner discuss one or two things that you look forward to about this next role and then end by reiterating your focus on the position you are applying for. This step should also only take 30–45 seconds.

    Example: “Eventually, I would like to get my own product to manage. I think it would be challenging and exciting to be responsible for the overall strategy of a product. I also have enjoyed mentoring others so I am confident I could be great at managing people. But as I mentioned earlier, for now, I really like what I’m doing and am eager to hone my skills in this role.”

As you can see, this question is actually quite easy to answer. As long as you give the hiring manager confidence you’re interested in doing your best in the position you are applying for and that you want to stay with the company you’ll be able to easily nail it.

Extra tips

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