How to Deal With Poke Lanes | Day 20/30

3 min readSep 20, 2017


Playing against a champion of that deals lots of damage early is rather frustrating and can sometimes be hard to play against. Champions that benefit and whose main duty is to put you behind early are often the hardest to play against. There are a few ways to beat them and to help yourself out in lane.

Helping other lanes is one way of beating them and staying up to date in experience. If you cannot do anything in your Lane, or are being pressured if you go to CS then it is best to try and roam and help other lanes. If your champion is strong at roaming and has CC or high amounts of damage then you will find roaming much easier than champions who don’t. Before roaming you must know if it will work out- does the enemy have Summoners? If they do not and are in a position to be ganked you should do it.

Another way of playing against these Poke champions is to sacrifice CS to stay healthy and keep up an experience. You have to think to yourself will this CS that I am going to go for be worth the damage that the enemy champion can do to me. I would not recommend going for CS if you are on low health, have no ability to trade back, or will be collapsed upon. However this is very situational- so you must know what you can do to get that CS safely, but make sure that it is worth it in the end. I would only risk help to get cannon minions or to fix the wave.

Playing against champions that do not have high cool downs or have no costs for their abilities are often the hardest to play against. This is because they deal tons of damage with little to no consequences and often hurt a lot. To play against these champions you must play around their cool downs. If the enemy champion has used one of their main abilities and it is on cool down for a short amount of time, this will be the best time to go in.. This is because that main ability will be down, this means that they will not be able to use it in your short engage. You need to make sure you know what the cool down is on that ability.

Another way is to dodge the abilities and do not take free harassment. There is no real way to tell you how to dodge but basically just dodge their abilities and do not let them attack you for free. If you are in range of their abilities or auto attacks then you are standing far too close and you need to play differently.

You can check out my Orianna guide which covers basically the same as this guide however I go into more detail there.

Finally there are plenty of good wave management videos and guides out there. I have linked one recommended guide that will help you out however you do have to do some of the work yourself. This guide is very situational so you must think for yourself and understand what you can do to further your presence in Lane and come out either positive or even ahead.

Guide by Tj “Command Attack” Bjorklund

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