Unveiling In-Game Economy: Part 3

5 min readMar 19, 2024


Enhancing Your Gameplay in BOSS FIGHTERS: A Guide to Crafting, Merging, and Perks

Welcome to our guide on three key features in BOSS FIGHTERS that significantly enhance your gameplay experience: Crafting, Merging, and Perks’ selection. Let’s break down these concepts into easy-to-understand steps, ensuring you can fully leverage them even if you’re new to the game.

Transforming Game Items into Digital Collectibles: Crafting

Crafting in BOSS FIGHTERS lets you upgrade your in-game items, like characters, weapons or skins, into digital collectibles. This process adds Value Perks to your items, which can increase your post-battle rewards, including $BFT tokens, premium currency, and other resources.The rarer your item, the more Value Perks it can receive post-crafting. One does not need any specific digital collectible to access crafting. In most cases only one resource is required for crafting — $BFT tokens. These can be acquired by participating in battles while equipped with at least one BADGE or a DISPOSABLE BADGE (a BADGE that cannot be recharged and disappears when all charges are used), which allows players to earn rewards in $BFT. Alternatively, tokens can be imported directly into the game through your crypto wallet.

You can read more about digital collectibles and crafting in our previous article.

Upgrading Your Items: Merging

Merging allows you to combine two identical items into one of a higher rarity. It’s not just a way to get rid of duplicates and shift from quantity to quality; it also boosts your item’s performance by:

  • Increasing the item’s rarity level.
  • Gaining new perks or enhancing existing ones.
  • Selecting which perks to keep in the upgraded item.

Items in the game are categorized into ten levels of rarity, each more scarce than the last. By Merging items, they can advance through these levels. The pinnacle of rarity is the Unique level, which means there is only one such item in existence.

Selecting Your Bonuses: Perk Selection

Each upgrade via merging gives you the opportunity to refine your item’s Perks. These Perks are enhancements that provide gameplay advantages or increased rewards. Here’s how it works in detail:

1. Item Selection: Within the game’s Merge UI, you begin by selecting two identical items you wish to combine. This step is straightforward: choose the items you want to improve.

2. Perk Selections: Each item comes with its own set of Perks. When Merging, you’re essentially blending these perks together. However, the new item will only retain one of the two perks at each level, selected randomly. But there’s a twist — you have the option to lock in one Perk at each level to ensure it carries over to the upgraded item. Locking a Perk requires a payment in FLEX (premium currency), and the cost increases with the Perk’s rarity (not an item rarity).

3. Perk Upgrade: At every even level of merging (levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10), the Perk from the previous level gets an upgrade. This upgrade can be one of three ranks, indicated by stars next to the Perk name:

⭐: high chance

⭐⭐: moderate chance

⭐⭐⭐: low chance

Players can change the Perk rank by using a Reinforcer with the same chances.

Reinforcers can be obtained as in-game rewards.

4. New Perk Obtain: On every odd level of merging (3, 5, 7, 9), you gain a new perk. The perk’s rarity can be either lower or the same as the current item’s rarity or with a small chance higher. Players can change this new perk using a Variator with the same chances.

Variators can be obtained as in-game rewards.

To finalize the merge, players need to cover several costs:

  • CASH: A mandatory fee for any merge, scaling with the items’ level.
  • FLEX: For each perk locked during the process.
  • $BFT: Required if merging digital collectible items.

Once the merge is completed, the original items are removed from your inventory, and you receive a new item of a higher rarity. However, if the collection for the new NFT item is full at the time of merging, the system will prevent the merge from taking place, ensuring no resources spent on rerolls are wasted.

An In-Depth Look at Resources in BOSS FIGHTERS

Within BOSS FIGHTERS, players navigate through a diverse array of 7 resources. While some are integral to in-game processes, others come into play post-item crafting, specifically tailored for digital collectibles.

Explore the detailed table below, providing a breakdown of each resource, its description, purpose, and acquisition methods.

BOSS FIGHTERS Resources Breakdown

Is Now the Time to Dive Into BOSS FIGHTERS?

If you’re thinking about playing BOSS FIGHTERS, the answer is yes. Starting now means you’re collecting early items that will turn into valuable digital collectibles by Q3 2024.

Want a quick win? Sign up to get free in-game items that you can turn into digital collectibles in future. Just click this link, claim your items, and for two friends who join with your referral code, you’ll snag two extra items.

Please Note: Your friends must verify their email, link their Discord, and OpenLoot accounts to their game account to qualify.

We’re currently in Open Alpha, and you’re totally welcome to hop in and play during the times we’ve listed.

Feel free to join our Discord and hang out with our community!

Join the fun early. Be a part of our community and play BOSS FIGHTERS 😎

