Real Free Speech Here Now

James A. Todaro, former CPA
10 min readFeb 12, 2020


Be among the first to be free from tyranny and gain wealth and power beyond your wildest dreams. Here’s your shot. Good luck!

Liberty trampling tyranny.

Free your words from tyranny today. You’ve never had real free speech, so you may be grossly underestimating how powerful it is. Imagine bringing lawmakers to their knees and giving them nothing in exchange and almost magically turning your $1 into $1,000, or a $1,000 into $10,000,000 as part of the process.

What you’ve just read is not a promise but speculation. There’s no other choice. None of us has ever experienced real freedom of speech in our lifetimes so we can only speculate; and no, your current freedom to babble harmlessly about almost anything you want is not real freedom of speech. (To see how this freedom to babble harmlessly means almost nothing and in reality you are suffering from a very serious case of tyranny over your speech that could prove fatal to you, your family and our country, you can read this.)

The good news is that my wild sounding speculation is actually grossly understating the power of real free speech that you can own and control today. Who better to become a person of wealth and power in this new, free of Federal and state Election Commission (FEC) tyranny America than you? This paper will tell you exactly what you must do now. One limitation to this offer that you need to know right up front is that everything here assumes the courts will protect your First Amendment rights to speak out the way described here. Without that, it’s game over not only for this idea but for our country, at least for awhile. Real free speech is very vulnerable to tyranny. That’s why we have the Second Amendment.

After years of analysis from a former CPA’s perspective, please let me share my vision for making free speech champions such as yourself rich and powerful beyond your wildest dreams simply by giving you real freedom of speech: Imagine making a deposit in support of a demand for legislative action. Any demand. Nobody does anything with your deposit. It’s just held. Think of it as voting with money. If you are among the first voters, this money is given to you for free. Within a short time, you read in your favorite news media that deposits like this are bringing lawmakers to their knees in support of these demands. It starts to become obvious to the world that these deposits are by far the most powerful way to have a voice in government in America. You withdraw your deposit and it’s worth 1,000 to 10,000 times more than what you put in. Yes, $5 is now worth $5,000 and $1,000 is now worth $1,000,000 or even $10,000,000. You now own and totally control raw legislative power. It is the most powerful way to influence any legislation. It’s a commodity like gold only it can’t be counterfeited and more cannot be mined. You can vote on changing any law, regulation or tax with it, sell it, hold it or pass it out to your followers and allies. No matter how you use it, you are now a person of wealth and power.

Yes, this kind of offer of power and wealth is scary for most people. For the legality of this offer and why you should not be afraid of this freedom, you can see this. In a nutshell, these deposits are free of the FEC and state equivalents because they are NEVER used to influence an election in any way. It’s what you may do with this money after it is refunded and is no longer a deposit that lawmakers need to fear.

Insane? Absolutely. But here’s the economics behind the lunacy. Real free speech is a gift from God. It’s incredibly tough to sell. What benefits can you promise? Just reading this letter gives you an idea of how crazy it is. Almost nobody is willing to fight for it. How can you expect people to die for something that is beyond their comprehension? Even a free speech champion such as yourself has most likely never spent any time studying how different the world would be if we had real freedom of speech.

The good news is that this is just a barrier to competition at this early stage. It naturally screens out those who would make weak leaders anyway. Once the power of real free speech becomes public knowledge, using these deposits to influence government won’t take any insight or knowledge. As for the gift from God, we already have it. It’s the First Amendment. To get to it, we just have to use a very simple transaction combined with a couple of simple publications to get around an FEC barrier. The First Amendment is how we’re going to get there in a way that no legitimate American government can successfully attack. (For mechanics of how these deposits work, see last page.)

More on the economics in a minute, but just in case you’re in a hurry, let’s spend a moment on what you must do today to be a person of power in the new world. You can either vote for a political demand by depositing a new money called PowerVote or you can just own it and hold it without voting. To vote, you simply deposit your PowerVotes with the publishing service of the same name in support of a demand and the name of whomever you would most trust to advise you on that demand. (This voting is kept in strict confidence by PowerVote unless you vote in a public manner such as on Twitter or Gab.) PowerVote can do this in seconds by a simple accounting entry. These PowerVotes are yours, period. They’re yours until you decide to do something with them, but only you can make that decision. Then when you get your PowerVotes back, you need to decide if you want to donate them to a political campaign, keep them, sell them or whatever. Again, that decision is up to you. That’s it. You’re done. It’s that simple. Instead of voting, if you want to resell PowerVotes to clients, donate them to your favorite action group or whatever, it’s even easier. Just download a free wallet at It only takes a few clicks. Send me your wallet address and I’ll deliver your PowerVotes directly to your wallet.

If you are among the first to act you can buy five thousand PowerVotes per one dollar. There’s no minimum purchase. As PowerVotes are sold the price will go up because the supply is strictly limited. Just email me at or see the registration page at If you don’t hear back within a day or so please call 734–846–5680 and leave a message. Trusting email with something this important would be a mistake. The more PowerVotes I sell, the higher the price. The supply is limited. Whatever you do, don’t accept no answer from me as an answer. It means there is something wrong.

Back to the economics. PowerVotes are a crypto currency similar to Bitcoin. As hostile to that world as you may be because of all the Wild West stories of scams and thievery, there’s a few powerful truths you should consider before you make the same mistake I did when I could have bought Bitcoin at six cents each (now worth over $9,000, or is that $3,000 in a couple months, or $20,000? Whatever price, I could have been writing this from my massive yacht in the Caribbean right now). One truth is that owning PowerVotes is currently the only way to experience the real freedom of speech I’ve been talking about. This is probably going to continue for the foreseeable future because I own a lot of PowerVotes, PowerVote is the only publishing service in the country offering to free you from the FEC and PowerVotes is the only money accepted by PowerVote. Another truth is that nobody has ever counterfeited Bitcoin. Lastly, consider that the supply of PowerVotes is strictly controlled by the blockchain. It’s almost impossible to increase the supply.

The total supply of PowerVotes is one hundred twenty million. This amount is permanently fixed by the blockchain. Gun rights advocates currently own and have on deposit with PowerVote over four million PowerVotes (the Second Amendment is the foundation to the First, so I went after those guys first) and other various demands for legislation accounting for about one million more or so. This means that I have about fifty-seven million for sale if I want to retain about half. You can vote on the PowerVote Scoreboard ( with your PowerVotes, (in fact it’s the only way), resell them to clients or your favorite causes for whatever the market will bear or even donate them. They can currently be traded at an exchange at When you own PowerVotes, you own power over government.

Speaking of economics, what’s really good news is that PowerVotes have never been used to influence an election, yet. Just like talking about weapons grade Plutonium before Hiroshima, nobody has a clue how powerful and valuable PowerVotes are. This makes them very cheap, for you. This could change fast though. As I said, there are now over four million PowerVotes on deposit in support of gun rights. Last spring as a demo of the system, I played the role of Whip/Leader (for how PowerVote pressures lawmakers, see last page) and targeted the Maine House of Representatives on a Red Flag bill that they were considering. PowerVote may have flipped the number one lawmaker targeted, a hard core anti gun Democrat, but that was it. The bill passed. The next lawmaker targeted, more of a RINO Republican, voted for it. This is not a surprise. It’s like writing the Japanese generals a letter during WWII and expecting them to surrender without at least a demo of the atom bomb.

What could happen now is that PowerVote could refund a good portion of the pro gun PowerVote deposits to their owners along with fulfilling their subscription to the PowerVote Refund Alert. The Alert then would advise readers on who it was that stood in their way and refused to be whipped, and by the way, here is the address of their strongest opponent during the upcoming primary. The reader could then donate their PowerVotes to the targeted campaign or keep them. The choice is theirs. The fact that the depositors have done without this money in exchange for nothing other than the sake of their cause suggests that a high percentage of these refunds would become campaign contributions. The candidate campaign who benefited could then sell the PowerVotes on whatever crypto exchange lists them (currently According to my review of past elections, I would project that this target could be defeated for between $5,000 and $10,000 worth of direct campaign contributions to her opponent during this summer’s primary. Win or lose, these contributions (for legal purposes, contributions with an “s”) would be more than ten times greater than the legal limit. Boom! Hiroshima time.

Instead of buying the coins from me, you could just put bids for PowerVotes out on the Waves Exchange. Then when the candidate goes to sell a load of coins on the exchange, you’ll be buying them right before the Hiroshima moment, maybe. There’s no guarantee that the price wouldn’t skyrocket before that time if the news media decides to report on what’s going on here or that PowerVote’s current subscribers wouldn’t start selling their coins; although, I think the vast majority are holding too few per person, the price is too low and they are too fired up about gun rights to make this worth their effort; but, who knows.

Ready when you are but maybe not at today’s price except for today. To buy PowerVotes today, just call 734–846–5680, see the registration page at or email

Thank You!

James A. Todaro, PowerVote Publisher & Founder

PS: Get 1,500 PowerVotes and a trial subscription to the PowerVote Refund Alert System absolutely free. If you prefer, instead of voting you can hold your PowerVotes in your own personal wallet for resell, just follow the purchase instructions above. Offer expires February 29, 2020.

Here’s how PowerVote works:

  1. Here’s your words and those of your allies. This is real free speech.
  2. PowerVote holds your PowerVotes (money) on deposit and adds them to the total. These deposits are yours, period. PowerVotes are cast by depositing PowerVotes (money) with PowerVote in support of a legislative demand and Whip (as in “Majority Whip”). PowerVote can refund deposits to depositors at any time. Every deposit shown on PowerVote is backed by a subscription owned by the depositor to the PowerVote Refund Alert System. The purpose of the Alert is to accompany any refund triggered by PowerVote with advice from the chosen Whip on how to spend the refund for the sake of the cause. (Participation by the Whips occurs via PowerVote interviewing them, is voluntary on the part of the Whip and certainly is not guaranteed.)
  3. This fund can put unlimited pressure on lawmakers. The PowerVote fund is legally free from tyranny because the deposits are NEVER used to influence an election and therefore campaign finance laws are not triggered. What lawmakers must fear is what you might do with your money after it’s refunded to you and is no longer a PowerVote deposit. The resulting potential campaign contribution of legally unlimited size (for the group) can be turned into unlimited political pressure today. To do this Whips simply need to make public the names of the lawmakers who they are targeting. In this way a Whip who is backed by enough PowerVotes to cause the defeat of just one lawmaker of average electoral strength has the potential to drive legislation the way one cowboy with just one whip can drive an entire herd of cattle. None of the cattle want to be the one targeted so they will compete and run from the cowboy to avoid the whip. The cowboy gives them nothing in exchange. Cattle that resist, slowly but surely become extinct. Your Whips can make all this information public simply by participating in a PowerVote interview.



James A. Todaro, former CPA

Founder of PowerVote, Freedom from U.S. Tyranny in Just Five Minutes