
The story of Influencers’ Alliance

Andrea Savchenko
2 min readAug 16, 2017


Influencers’ Alliance is an invitation-only, global community for top-tier social media Influencers. For most of us, success depends directly on the size and quality of our audience and social reach. Brands have increasingly moved to depend on us and the authentic connection to our audience for the market performance of their products. This authenticity is what drives real conversations and dramatically higher conversion for modern digital brands.

Success for an Influencer depends on their ability to keep up with the changing ecosystem of digital markets and social media technologies, and their ability to recruit and retain a following that *listens* and responds to their content and influence.

Growing and keeping a large following is hard work. As influencers we are often isolated in our own verticals and resources are sparse, often because we are trailblazing in a nascent industry and there are too few of us experienced enough to help the rest. Our successful following is usually attributed to one or two techniques we’ve developed by trial and error and refined over time. Without a community, we are often left to wonder: Am I growing as fast as I can? Am I getting the best market price for my services? How is that other account growing that fast?! What do I need to take the leap and do this full time?

Influencers’ Alliance is a place where Influencers with real experience can benefit from each other’s hard earned lessons and raw social reach.

We learn each other’s tricks and improve them by combining our ideas and providing great feedback. We help each other’s ranking and exposure by participating in organized engagement pods with other top Influencers from our niche. Our success is limited only by the quality and quantity of top Influencers that make up our vibrant community.

This is why we’re paying thousands of dollars for your growth hacks.

We’re on the hunt for talented, driven, and successful Influencers like you.

By rewarding you for your hard work and adding you to our community, we hope to see you and the rest of us grow even faster as part of the emerging, global, Influencer Economy.

If you are an influencer on social media, apply to join Influencers’ Alliance.

Read more about how you can get paid $1000 for your juicy growth hack.

If you know someone who is an influencer, share this post with them and invite them to join us.

Follow me on Medium to be in the know.

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