We are looking for flagbearers to carry the RankerDAO banner!

5 min readJun 2, 2023

As of 26 June, We have updated the process to make things simpler. Read more here:


RankerDAO is launching our very first brand ambassador program, where we will reward loyal and active players as much as possible!

What is it?

The RankerDAO Ambassador Program is a 6-week program that includes an exciting opportunity for community members to become advocates and promoters of RankerDAO. As an ambassador, you can represent RankerDAO in your local community and promote RankerDAO. You get exclusive perks such as:

  • Tokens or other incentives.
    $RANKER Tokens and more
  • Ranker Badges, Coaching sessions
    I.e: RankerDAO Badge NFT’s
  • Exclusive access to new products or features.
    You will be among the first to know about our upcoming features
  • Invitations to special events or meetups.
  • Recognition on the RankerDAO website and social media channels
    This includes RankerDAO Channels amplifying your content and posts.

How does it work?

The program is divided into different tiers, each requiring a certain level of commitment and involvement, with corresponding rewards and benefits.

Tier 1 — Community Member:

To become a Community Member, simply join our Discord and follow our social media channels. This is the first step towards becoming a RankerDAO Ambassador.

RankerDAO Discord: https://discord.gg/RankerDAO
RankerDAO Telegram: https://t.me/RankerDAO
RankerDAO Ambassador Telegram: https://t.me/+NXjCn_E9T45jZTE6 <Get additional info here!

Tier 2 — RankerDAO Supporter:

To become a RankerDAO Supporter, you must continue to engage with the community and share content about RankerDAO on social media.

  • Continue to produce regular content about RankerDAO
  • Be active in our Discord/Telegram channels helping to answer community questions
  • Share, engage, and promote RankerDAO announcements on social media
  • The following Zealy campaign will assist you in kick-starting in becoming a RankerDAO supporter click HERE
  • The team will hand-pick those worthy of progressing, to become a Ranker Ambassador This tier offers access to exclusive perks and benefits such as early access to new features and products.

Tier 3 — RankerDAO Ambassador:

Once you have established yourself as a RankerDAO Supporter, you will be considered for the RankerDAO Ambassador role. As an Ambassador, you will be granted the power to promote and recommend other recruits from the community. You will also have access to exclusive content, early access to new features and products, and direct communication with the RankerDAO team.

Apply as an ambassador here: https://forms.gle/L7Fyw78vKZkCPrGK9

Tier 4 — Community Lead:

The most outstanding RankerDAO Ambassadors may be considered for the Community Lead role. This tier offers a more active role in helping to run and maintain the RankerDAO community channels, as well as access to unique benefits such as brainstorming new ideas with the team directly.

Tier 5 — RankerDAO Team Member/Employee:

The best-performing Community Leads may be invited to join the RankerDAO team as full-time paid employees.

The Timeline

Here’s a general guideline and overview of what we would like to see over the 6-week program

Week 1: Get Started

  • Introduction to the Ranker Ambassador Program
  • Learn about RankerDAO and its mission
  • Connect with fellow ambassadors
  • Create an introductory post on social media (Twitter, Discord, or other platforms)

Week 2: Spread the Word

  • Share RankerDAO content on social media
  • Host an introductory event for the audience
  • Share your experience on social media

Week 3: Build the Community

  • Host a community event (online or in-person)
  • Invite people to join the RankerDAO community
  • Share the event on social media

Week 4: Collaborate and Create

  • Connect with other ambassadors to collaborate on a project
  • Create a piece of content (e.g. blog post, video, infographic) about RankerDAO
  • Share the content on social media

Week 5: Engage with the Community

  • Host an Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session in the RankerDAO Discord
  • Engage with the community on social media
  • Share your insights and experience with others

Week 6: Showcase Your Work

  • Showcase your achievements during the program
  • Share your final thoughts and feedback
  • Receive your ambassador reward


  • Ambassadors who submit their reports on time and meet the minimum requirements will receive exclusive access to RankerDAO’s coaching program, tokens, NFTs, badges, and other benefits.
  • Exclusive access to new products or features.
  • Invitations to special events or meetups.
  • Recognition on the RankerDAO website and social media channels
  • Ambassadors who consistently promote RankerDAO products and meet program requirements may be eligible for additional rewards, such as special discounts or opportunities to collaborate with the RankerDAO team

What we are looking for in an Ambassador

If you’re interested in Joining the RankerDAO Ambassador program, here are a few ways to get you started:

  • Inspire community engagement through conversations, articles, and events. The natural growth of the community is our number one goal.
  • Be an advocate by sharing knowledge about RankerDAO.
  • Educate people using our vast resources and educational articles from RankerDAO socials
  • Provide local insights in your native language. Share the news from our main social media channels to help Rankerdao be locally relevant.
  • Help drive brand awareness and inspire community engagement. Direct people to resources that increase Rankerdao brand awareness. e.g. media posts, press releases, and YouTube videos.

Are you a: Content Creator, Translator for Asian communities, or Graphic Designer? Contact us if you have some special talents and we will find a way you can use them to help expand our community.

Submission guidelines:

Reports should include the platforms they promoted RankerDAO’s products on, the type of content they shared, the number of impressions they received, and any other relevant metrics.

Rules for RankerDAO Ambassadors

  • Be knowledgeable about RankerDAO.
  • Respect confidentiality.
  • Do not engage in spamming or unethical practices.
  • Provide constructive feedback.
  • Represent RankerDAO in a positive manner.

Content Guidelines

At least 500 words long.
Well-researched and engaging.
Includes visuals.

At least 15 seconds long.
Visually appealing and informative.
Clear call-to-action.

Twitter Threads:
Minimum 3 tweets.
Concise and engaging.
Relevant hashtags and images.

High-quality and visually appealing.
Clear and concise information.
Easy to read and organized.

Original and funny.
Relevant to RankerDAO’s brand.
Shareable on social media with hashtags.

About RankerDAO

RankerDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that enables the collective community of crypto adopters to gain access to the biggest trend of blockchain-based activities from various verticals.

Get Connected

Website: https://www.RankerDAO.com
Medium: https://www.medium.com/@RankerDAO
Discord: https://discord.gg/RankerDAO
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RankerDAO
Telegram: https://t.me/RankerDAO

