The father of Persian Rap: Hichkas or Shayan?

Revisiting the Origins and Ethics of Iranian Hip-Hop

4 min readMar 29, 2024

In the realm of Persian rap, the moniker “the Father of Persian Rap” has been bestowed upon Hichkas by his fans and even himself in his lyrics. However, upon closer examination of the origins of Iranian hip-hop, it becomes evident that Hichkas may not rightfully claim this title. Let’s delve into the intricacies of Iranian hip-hop history to understand why.

Image featuring Hichkas and Shayan, two influential figures in Persian rap. Hichkas has proclaimed himself as the father of Persian rap in his songs, while Shayan is recognized as the pioneering Iranian rapper predating Hichkas’s works.
Persian Rap Icons: Hichkas Claims Fatherhood, While Shayan’s Legacy Predates Him

Defining the Role of the Father

The term “father” in the context of rap signifies someone who plants the seed and pioneers the genre. However, Hichkas’s contributions do not align with this definition. He may have popularized Persian rap, but he did not sow its initial seeds.

Hichkas: Self-Declared Father?

Hichkas’s self-proclamation as the father of Persian rap in two of his songs raises eyebrows⁽¹⁾. Additionally, fan websites attributing this title to him based on his efforts and success in the genre fail to grasp the essence of what it means to be a father of a movement. Effort and success do not equate to fatherhood. Perhaps a more fitting term for someone who makes significant efforts in a genre could be ‘mover,’ not father.

Historical Testimonies

Video evidence, including Hichkas’s interviews with ManotoTV⁽⁵⁾ and at the University of Calgary⁽⁴⁾, offers further insight into his acknowledgment of Shayan and Yashar’s earlier contributions to the Iranian rap scene. Interestingly, during the interview in Calgary, Hichkas even referred to himself as the godfather of Persian rap, retracting his self-proclaimed title of the Father of Persian rap. This shift in terminology highlights his recognition of Shayan and Yashar’s established presence in the industry prior to his own initiation into rap music.

Encounter with Shayan

According to Shayan’s account in the related video⁽²⁾⁽³⁾, Hichkas encountered him in Yashar’s house when Shayan was already an established rapper with songs like “Javoone Irooni” and “Bara Ine Ke Migiram Kam.” This timeline contradicts Hichkas’s claims of being the originator. Additionally, the appropriation of “021” by Soroush Hichkas, without acknowledgment of its origins, highlights the ethical complexities within the rap community. While Hichkas may have popularized the term, its true roots lie in the creative endeavors of Shayan and his contemporaries, underscoring their seminal contributions to Persian rap history.

Corroboration by Yashar

Yashar’s firsthand account⁽⁶⁾, provides additional validation to Shayan’s narrative, reinforcing the significant role both Shayan and Yashar played in shaping the early landscape of Iranian rap. In his compelling testimony, Yashar offers unique insights and anecdotes that underscore the profound impact they had on the development of the genre. His perspective not only strengthens the credibility of their precedence but also adds a layer of authenticity to the historical narrative of Iranian hip-hop.

Musical Influences

Hichkas’s debut song, “Danga 021,” features elements from Shayan’s verse in “Javoone Irooni,” indicating his inspiration from Shayan’s work⁽⁷⁾. This influence suggests that Hichkas built upon existing foundations rather than creating them.

Acknowledgment by Prominent Rappers

Renowned figures in Persian rap, including Yas⁽⁸⁾, Pishro⁽⁹⁾, and Ho3ein⁽¹⁰⁾, attribute their inspiration to Shayan. Yas explicitly mentions being motivated to start rapping after witnessing Shayan’s performances, underscoring Shayan’s pivotal role in shaping the genre. Additionally, Pishro has paid homage to Shayan, recognizing his influence on Persian rap. These acknowledgments highlight the profound impact of Shayan’s contributions on subsequent generations of Persian rappers.

Ethical Considerations

The ethos of hip-hop culture emphasizes giving credit where it is due. Hichkas’s reluctance to acknowledge his predecessors raises ethical concerns within the community. By neglecting to honor those who paved the way, he undermines the integrity of Persian rap history.

In conclusion, the evidence presented challenges the notion of Hichkas as the father of Persian rap. Shayan’s pioneering efforts, coupled with corroborating testimonies and historical records, paint a different narrative of Iranian hip-hop history. It’s imperative to recognize and respect the true pioneers of the genre to preserve its authenticity and honor their contributions.

For further insights, viewers can refer to the following evidence videos:

  1. Hichkas calls himself “the Father of Persian Rap.”
  2. Shayan’s interview with Nasir Mashkouri in 2018
  3. Shayan’s interview with Jarsha in 2023
  4. Hichkas’s interview at the University of Calgary in 2013
  5. Hichkas Interview on the Sakkou Show on Manototv Network in 2011
  6. Yashar’s interview with Rapsho in 2023
  7. Video demonstrating Hichkas’s reference to Shayan’s verse in “Danga 021”
  8. Yas: Finding Inspiration in Shayan’s Pioneering Tracks
  9. Reza Pishro’s Admiration for Shayan’s Music
  10. Unveiling the Impact of Shayan’s Legacy in Persian Rap: Ho3ein’s Cover Controversy

Interested in exploring the roots of Persian rap and its enduring influence on today’s artists? Dive into “Breaking Barriers: Yas’s Tribute to Shayan’s Legacy” to uncover the deep-seated history and lasting impact of trailblazers such as Shayan on the development of Persian rap.

