Regular Presale | League of Empires LIMITED FLASH SALE

Regular Presale
3 min readApr 20, 2022


LAUNCH TIME 9:00AM @ 21st April 2022 (48 hour sale duration)

Hello Regu Family!

We are delighted to announce the FLASH sale for League of Empires upcoming launch on Regular Presale launchpad!

Key Details / Tokenomics:

Regular Presale Price: $0.10 (no allocation fee)

Public Price: $0.10

Total REGU Allocation: $3,000.00

Vesting: 0% TGE, 1 month cliff then the linear daily over 8 months (we will distribute fortnightly or monthly in bulk)


  1. Main Round: All Tiers

The main pool ($3K) is based on FCFS (First-Come-First-Served) so please prepare BUSD according to the Tier Schedule below and use the guide for steps

Regular Presale | Tier Schedule

League of Empire Highlights:

  • League of Empires is the first ever Real Time Strategy (RTS) metaverse play-to-earn game, where players get to earn crypto in a stimulating and adrenaline-filled environment.
  • Public Round is Already locked with Seedify, Trustpad, and NFTPAD.
  • The project is being incubated by Seedify.
  • IDO Launchpads: Seedify, Paragen & TrustPad
  • CEO :
  • Game Trailer:
  • Planned Listing date : 30 April

How to Participate & Staking Rules

To participate, you need to either stake REGU or LPs according to the tier schedule found on our website. 1 LP is worth 350 REGU tokens for the calculation of your Tiers.

Snapshots of wallets will be taken randomly within 24 hours before the Launch Time.

We have structured one of the most generous allocations for our Tiers and aim to allow all investors to participate.

How to Stake?

How to Farm LP?

Step by Step Guide: How to Participate on Launch Day

What to do when it’s the project’s Launch Day:

Step 1: Make sure you have a supported BSC wallet. Metamask is preferred. (DO NOT USE AN EXCHANGE ADDRESS)

Step 2: Navigate to and connect your wallet

For mobile app users: please use the browser in DApps in Metamask or Trustwallet

Step 3: Type in the amount you want to bid in BUSD

Step 4: If its your first time — Click ‘Buy’ button, this will normally request an approval for your wallet to interact.

Once approved — Click ‘Buy’ button again to finalise your bid.

Step 5: Once finalised, you will not get a confirmation immediately, however you can check the ‘Pool’ link to the wallet address to confirm the transaction is successful.

Step 6: Support the project and Regu! Like & Retweet the announcement tweet for us!

Note that at no time will RegularPresale or the private project ever ask for funds. If you get this, please report scam and block user.

Important Disclaimer

Beware of Telegram, Online and Twitter groups trying to impersonate and scam you out of your hard earned crypto. Always ensure you are on our official channel or groups.

